
 Living in the Divine Will

According to the Writings of Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

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“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Jesus said to Luisa: “My daughter, as Adam sinned, God made him the promise of the future Redeemer. Centuries passed, but the promise did not fail, and the generations had the good of Redemption. Now, as I came from Heaven and formed the Kingdom of Redemption, before departing for Heaven, I made another promise, more solemn, of the Kingdom of My Will; and this was in the ‘Our Father.’ 

“And so as to give it more value, and to obtain It more quickly, I made this formal promise in the solemnity of My prayer, praying the Father to let His Kingdom come, which is the Divine Will on earth as It is in Heaven. I placed My very Self at the head of this prayer, knowing that such was His Will, and that, prayed by Me, He would deny Me nothing; more so, since I prayed with His very Will, and I asked for something that was wanted by My Father Himself. 

“And after I had formed this prayer before My Celestial Father, certain that the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth would be granted to Me, I taught it to My Apostles, that they might teach it to the whole world, so that one might be the cry of all: ‘Your Will be done, on earth as It is in Heaven.’ A promise more sure and solemn I could not make. Centuries are like one single point for Us, but Our words are accomplished acts and facts. 

“My very praying to the Celestial Father: ‘Let It come—let Your Kingdom come; Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven,’ meant that with My coming upon earth the Kingdom of My Will was not established in the midst of creatures; otherwise I would have said: ‘My Father, let Our Kingdom, that I have already established on earth, be confirmed, and let Our Will dominate and reign.’ Instead, I said: ‘Let It come.’ This meant that It must come, and creatures must await It with that certainty with which they awaited the future Redeemer, because there is My Divine Will, bound and committed, in those words of the ‘Our Father’; and when It binds Itself, whatever It promises is more than certain. More so, since everything was prepared by Me; nothing else was needed but the manifestation of My Kingdom—and this I am doing. 

“Do you think that My giving you so many truths about My Fiat is only to give you simple news? No, no; it is because I want everyone to know that Its Kingdom is near, and to know Its beautiful prerogatives, so that all may love—may yearn to enter, to live in a Kingdom so holy, full of happiness and of all goods. Therefore, what seems difficult to you is easy for the power of Our Fiat, because It knows how to remove all difficulties, and to conquer everything—the way It wants, and when It wants.” 

Book of Heaven spiritual diary of
the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta 
Volume 23, February 5, 1928

Selected Passages on the Role of the Priests from the spiritual diary of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Click the image for the full-text pdf online.

Jesus desired that Priests would form Houses of the Resurrection of the Faith in the Holy Divine Will. Visit for more information.

The Sun of My Will

A free copy of The Sun of My Will, by Maria Rosaria Del Genio, will be sent to any member of the clergy who requests it. This biography of Luisa was published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana.