Divine Will for every day of the year - March 25, 1934 Volume 33

… After this, I continued my abandonment in the arms of Jesus.  His Divine Heart jumped strongly, strongly with Love, with Joy, with Happiness, and with Sorrow.  And my sweet Jesus added:  “My daughter, all the Acts of My Humanity possess the Generative Virtue, therefore the mind thinks and It Generates Holy Thoughts, it thinks and It Generates Light, Science, Wisdom, Divine Knowledges, New Truths, and while It Generates It pours again in torrents into the minds of creatures, without ever ceasing to Generate.  In fact, every creature has in her mind the secret repository of these children of Mine Generated from My Mind, with the difference that some hold them honored, courted, giving them the freedom to let them produce the Good that they possess, and some hold them without taking care of them, and as suffocated.  My Gazes Generate glances of Love, of Compassion, of Tenderness, of Mercy—I never lose sight of anyone.  My Gazes multiply for everyone.  And O! the Power of My Gazes, with how much pity it pours itself over the human miseries.  It is so much that in order to place them in safety, it encloses the creature in My pupil in order to keep her defended and surrounded by Inexpressible Affection and Tenderness as to amaze the whole of Heaven.  My tongue Speaks and it Generates Words that give Life, Sublime Teachings; it Generates Prayers; it Speaks and Generates Wounds and Arrows of Love in order to give the Generation of My Ardent Love to everyone, and to make Me Loved by everyone.  My Hands Generate Works, Wounds, Nails, Blood, Embraces, in order to make Me Work of each one, balm in order to sweeten their wounds, nails in order to wound them and purify them, Blood in order to wash them, embraces in order to embrace them and carry them as in Triumph in My Arms.  …”

Divine Wil for every day of the year - March 24, 1913 Volume 11

I was feeling a certain discontent because of the privations of my always adorable Jesus, when He came and told me: “My daughter, what are you doing? I am the contentment of contentments. As I am in you and I feel some discontents, I recognize that they come from you, and therefore I do not recognize Myself completely in you, because discontents are part of the human nature - not of the Divine; while it is my Will that what is human no longer exist in you - only my Divine Life.”

I add that I was thinking to myself about the sweet Mama, and Jesus told me: “My daughter, the thought of my Passion never escaped my dear Mama, and by dint of repeating it, she was completely filled with Me. The same happens to the soul: by dint of repeating what I suffered, she arrives at filling herself completely with Me.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 23, 1910 Volume 9

As I was in my usual state, and lamenting because of His privations, He came just in passing and told me: “My daughter, I recommend that you not get out of My Will, because My Will contains such Power as to be a new Baptism for the soul - and even more than Baptism itself. In fact, while in the Sacraments there is part of My Grace, in My Will there is the whole Fullness of It. In the Baptism, the stain of original sin is removed, but passions and weaknesses remain. In My Will, since the soul destroys her own volition, she also destroys passions, weaknesses and all that is human; and she lives of the virtues, of the fortitude and of all the Divine Qualities.”

On hearing this, I said to myself: “In a little while He is going to say that His Will is greater than Communion Itself.” And He added: “Of course, of course, because the Sacramental Communion lasts a few minutes, while My Will is perennial communion; even more, eternal - entering eternity in Heaven. The Sacramental Communion is subject to some obstacles, either because of illness, or necessity, or because of those who have to administer It; while the Communion of My Will is not subject to any hindrance. If the soul only wants it, all is done. No one can prevent her from having such a great Good which forms the happiness of the earth and of Heaven - neither demons, nor creatures, and not even My Omnipotence Itself. The soul is free; no one has any right over her at this point of My Will. This is why I push It, and I want so much that creatures take It: It is the most important thing for Me; the thing which I cherish the most. All other things do not interest Me as much, not even the holiest ones. And when I obtain that the soul live in My Will, I feel triumphant - because this is the greatest Good which can exist in Heaven and on earth.” 

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 22, 1919 Volume 12

As I was in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and I could see all the order of created things. And my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, see what harmony, what order in all created things, and how all of them came out to life from the Eternal FIAT. Everything cost Me a FIAT. The most tiny star as well as the refulgent and splendid Sun, the most tiny plant just as the great tree, the most tiny insect just as the largest animal - they all seem to say among themselves: ‘We are noble creatures. Our origin is the Eternal Volition; we all carry the mark of the Supreme FIAT. It is true that we are distinct and different from one another; we have diversity of office, of light, of heat, but this says nothing: one is our value - the FIAT of a God; one our life and preservation - the FIAT of the Eternal Majesty...’ Oh, how eloquently does Creation speak of the Power of My Will, teaching that from the greatest thing to the smallest, one is the value, because they have life from the Divine Volition! In fact, a star would say to the Sun: ‘It is true that you have much light and heat; your office is great, your goods immense. The earth almost depends on you, so much so, that I do nothing in comparison to you. But the FIAT of a God made you so; therefore our values are equal - the glory which we give to our Creator is completely similar.’”

Then He added in a more afflicted tone: “It was not so in creating man. It is true that his origin is My FIAT, but this was not enough for Me. Taken by excess of Love, I breathed on him, wanting to infuse in him My own Life. I endowed him with reason; I made him free, and I constituted him king of the whole Creation. But man, ungrateful - how did he correspond to Me? Amid all Creation, he alone has become the sorrow of My Heart, the clashing note. And then, how much could I tell you about My Crafting in the sanctification of souls? Not only one FIAT, not My Breath, do I place at their disposal, but My very Life, My Love, My Wisdom. Yet, how many rejections, how many defeats My Love receives! Ah, My daughter, compassionate My hard sorrow, and come into My Will to substitute for the love of the whole human family, so as to soothe My pierced Heart!”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 21, 1914 Volume 11

Jesus continues: “My daughter, I love one who does My Will so much that I cannot manifest everything to her - or everything all at once - of how much I love her, the Grace with which I keep enriching her, the Beauty with which I keep embellishing her, and of all the Goods with which I fill her. If I manifested this altogether, the soul would die of joy, her heart would burst in such a way that she could no longer live on earth, but, in a flash, would take off toward Heaven. However, I feel an irresistible need to make Myself known, as well as My Love for her. It is too hard to love, to do good without making oneself known. I feel as if My Heart were dying, and unable to resist so much Love; I keep manifesting to her, little by little, how I love Her and all the gifts with which I continue to fill her. And when the soul feels as if filled to the brim, to the extent of no longer being able to contain them, in one of these manifestations of mine she will disappear from the earth and will bloom within the womb of the Eternal One.”

And I: “Jesus, my Life, it seems to me that you exaggerate a little bit in manifesting to me what extent a soul can reach who does your Will.” Knowing my ignorance and smiling, Jesus told me: “No, no, My beloved, I do not exaggerate. One who exaggerates may be deceitful. Your Jesus doesn’t know how to deceive you; rather, what I have told you is nothing. You will receive more surprises when, once the prison of your body is broken and you are swimming inside My Womb, the extent that My Will made you reach will be openly revealed to you.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 20, 1932 Volume 30

I was thinking about the Divine Will, and was saying to myself:  “If Our Lord Loves so much to make known a Will so Holy, and He wants It to Reign in the midst of creatures, why, then, does He want them to pray in order to obtain It?  Once He wants to, He can give It, even without so much praying Him.”  

And my sweet Jesus, surprising me, told me:  “My daughter, to know My Divine Will is the Greatest thing that I can give and that the creature can receive; and Its Reigning is the Confirmation of Its Great Gift and the carrying out of Its Will that was known.  Therefore, it is necessary to ask for It; by asking for It, she disposes herself, she forms within herself the Royal Palace in which to receive It; by asking for It, she acquires the Love in order to Love It, she acquires the qualities of Sacrifice that are needed in order to possess It.  And as one asks for It, the human will loses its ground, it is debilitated, it loses strength and disposes itself to receive the Dominion of the Supreme Volition; and God, seeing Himself prayed, disposes Himself to give It.  

“It takes the dispositions of both sides in order for Us to give Our Celestial Gifts.  How many Gifts do We want to give!  But because they are not asked for, We retain Them within Ourselves, waiting to give Them when they are asked for.  By asking, it is as if commerce were opened between Creator and creature.  If one does not ask, the commerce is closed, and Our Celestial Gifts do not descend in order to put themselves in circulation on the face of the earth.  Therefore, the first indispensable necessity in order to obtain the Kingdom of the Divine Will is to ask for It with Incessant prayers, because, as they pray, so are We reached by little letters—now of solicitation, now of supplication, now of the agreement that they want to make with Our Will, until the last letter comes, of the final accord.

“Second necessity, more indispensable than the first, in order to obtain this Kingdom:  it is necessary to know that one can have It.  Who can ever think of a Good, desire it, love it, if he does not know that he can obtain it?  No one.  If the Ancients had not known that the future Redeemer was to come, no one would have given it a thought, nor prayed, nor hoped for salvation, because the salvation, the sanctity of those times, was fixed—centralized in the future Celestial Savior.  Outside of this there was no good to be hoped for.  To know that one can have a Good forms the Substance, the Life, the nourishment of that Good in the creature.  Here is the reason for the so many Knowledges about My Will that I have manifested to you—that it may be known that they can have the Kingdom of My Will.  When it is known that a Good can be possessed, arts and industriousness are used, and the means to obtain the intent are employed.

“The third necessary means is to know that God wants to give this Kingdom.  This lays the foundations, the sure Hope in order to obtain It, and forms the final preparations in order to receive the Kingdom of My Divine Will.  When a Good is wanted and longed for, to know that the one who can give it already wants to give it, can be called the last blow of Grace, and final act, to obtain what is wanted.  In fact, had I not manifested to you that I can give and want to give My Divine Will as Dominating and Reigning in the midst of creatures, you would have remained indifferent like everyone else toward a Good so Great.  So, your interest, your prayers, have been effects of, and Births from, what you have known.  …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 19, 1935 Volume 33

… But while I thought this, my sweet Jesus, my dear Life, surprising me, all Goodness told me:  “My blessed daughter, tell Me, what do you want?  Do you want that My Will Reigns and Lives in you as Life?  If you truly want it, everything is done, because so much is Our Love and ardent Desire that the creature possess Our Will as Life in order to let her Live of It, that as her human will truly wants it, so Ours fills the human volition with Our Supreme Volition in order to form Its Life there, and Live in her as in Its own Center.  You must know that the Divine Will and the human are two spiritual powers.  The Divine, Immense with an Unreachable Power.  The human, little power, but for however little, it has its power.  And both being spiritual, the one can pour itself into the other and form one single Life.  All the power is in the volition, and being spiritual power, it has the space of being able to place inside of its will the good that she wants, and also the evil.  In fact, what the will wants, that is what one finds inside of herself:  If she wants self-esteem, glory, love of pleasures, of riches, she will find inside of her volition the life of self-esteem, of glory, the life of pleasures, of riches, and, if she wants, sin—even sin will form its life. 

“Even more, if she wants the Life of Our Will in hers, wanted, commanded by Us with so many sighs, if she truly wants It, she will have the Great Good of possessing Our Will as Life.  And if this could not be, the Sanctity of Living in My Volition would be a difficult and almost impossible sanctity, and I do not know how to neither teach difficult things, nor do I want impossible things.  Rather it is My usual Way to make easy, for as much as it is possible for the creature, the most arduous things and hardest sacrifice.  And if necessary I place there of Mine in order to have that the little power of her will becomes sustained, aided, animated, by the Invincible Power of Mine, and so render easy the Good, or the Life of My Volition, that the creature wants to possess.  And so much is My Love, that in order to make it all the more easy, I whisper to the ear of the heart:  ‘If you truly want to do this good, I will do it together with you, I will not leave you alone, I will place My Grace, My Strength, My Light, My Sanctity at your disposition; we will both do the good that you want to possess.’ …”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 18, 1912 Volume 17

I was praying, fusing all of myself in Jesus, and I wanted each thought of Jesus in my power in order to have life in each thought of creature, and to repair with the same thought of Jesus; and so with all the rest. And my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, My Humanity on earth did nothing but connect each thought of creature with My own. So, each thought of creature was reflected in My Mind, each word in My Voice, each heartbeat in My Heart, each action in My Hands, each step in My Feet, and so with all the rest. With this, I offered Divine Reparations to the Father. Now, all that I did upon earth, I continue in Heaven, and as the creatures think, their thoughts pour into My Mind; as they look, I feel their glances in Mine. Therefore, a continuous electricity flows between Me and them, just as the members are in continuous communication with the head. And I say to the Father: ‘My Father, I am not the only one who is praying, repairing, satisfying, appeasing You, but there are other creatures who do within Me whatever I do. Even more, with their suffering, they make up for My Humanity, which is glorious and incapable of suffering.’

“By fusing herself in Me, the soul repeats all that I did, and continue to do. What will be the contentment of these souls who lived their lives in Me, embracing together with Me all creatures and all reparations, when they will be with Me in Heaven? They will continue their lives in Me; and as the creatures will think or will offend Me with their thoughts, these will be reflected in their minds, and they will continue the reparations which they did on earth. They will be, together with Me, the sentries of honor before the Divine Throne; and as creatures on earth will offend Me, they will do opposite acts in Heaven. They will guard My Throne; they will have the place of honor; they will be the ones who will comprehend Me the most - the most glorious. Their glory will be completely fused in Mine, and Mine in theirs. 

“Therefore, may your life on earth be completely fused in Mine. Do not do any act without making it pass into Me; and every time you will fuse yourself in Me, I will pour New Graces and New Light in you, and I will become the vigilant sentry of your heart in order to keep any shadow of sin far away from you. I will guard you as My own Humanity, and I will command the Angels to surround you like a crown, that you may be sheltered from everything and everyone.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 17, 1921 Volume 12

I was saying to my sweet Jesus: “I don’t know - the more You say You give to me by means of Your Holy Volition, the more wretched and ugly I feel. I should feel better - more good; instead, it is all the opposite.”

And Jesus told me: “My daughter, the more the grain of My Will grows in you, the more you will feel the misery of your straw. In fact, when the ear begins to form, grain and straw are one single thing; but when the life of the ear keeps forming, as the grain matures, the straw is detached from it, and remains only as defense of the grain. Therefore, the more wretched you feel, the more the grain of My Will keeps forming in you, and is close to perfect maturation. The straw within you is nothing other than your weak nature which, living together with the Sanctity and the Nobility of My Will, feels its misery even more.” …

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 16, 1902 Volume 4

Oh, how hard it is to have Him come for a little! It is a continuous heartbreak and fear that He may come no more. Oh, God, what pain! I don’t know how I live, though I live dying. 

Then He made Himself seen for a little, in a pitiful state, with one arm severed, and all afflicted He told me: “My daughter, see what creatures do to Me – how can you want Me not to chastise them?” And while saying this, He seemed to take a tall cross, the arms of which were hanging over six or seven cities; and various chastisements would occur. On seeing this, I suffered very much, and He, wanting to distract me from that pain, added: “My daughter, you suffer very much when I deprive you of My Presence. This must happen to you by necessity, because since you have been close to the Divinity for a long time, identified with It through Its contact, you have enjoyed as you pleased all the pleasure of Divine Light; and the more one has enjoyed the Light, the more he feels the privation of that Light, and the bothers, the annoyances and the pains which darkness brings with itself.” Then He repeated: “However, the most important thing for everyone, is that in each thought, word and work, one should not seek his own comfort, or the esteem and the pleasure of someone else, but the sole and only pleasure of God.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 15, 1908 Volume 8

This morning, I was feeling more than ever oppressed because of the privation of my highest and only good, but at the same time I was placid, without those anxieties that used to make me go round through Heaven and earth, and only when I would find Him, then would I stop. So I was saying to myself: “What a change – I feel petrified from the pain of your absence, yet, I do not cry, I feel a profound peace that invests me completely; not a contrary breath enters into me.” At that moment, blessed Jesus came and told me: “My daughter, do not want to trouble yourself. You must know that when there is a strong storm in the sea, where the waters are deep the storm is only superficial. The depths of the sea are in the most perfect calm, the waters remain tranquil, and the fish, when they detect the storm, go to nest where the water is deeper so as to be safer. So, the whole storm unloads itself where the sea contains very little water, because since there is little water, the storm has the strength to agitate it from top to bottom, and even to transport it elsewhere, to other points of the sea.

"So it happens to souls when they are completely filled with God — up to the brim, up to overflowing outside: storms have no strength to upset them even slightly, because there is no strength that can defy God; at the most, they may feel it superficially. Even more, as the soul detects the storm, she puts the virtues in order, and goes to nest in the inmost depths of God. So, while externally there seems to be a storm, it is completely false – it is then that the soul enjoys more peace, and rests, tranquil, in the bosom of God, just like the fish in the bosom of the sea.

“All the opposite for the souls who are empty of God, or contain just a little bit of God: storms agitate them all over; and if they have a little bit of God, they waste it. Nor does it take strong storms to agitate them; the slightest wind is enough to make virtues flee from them. Even more, holy things themselves, which form a delicious pasture for those former souls who enjoy them to their fill, for these souls, turn into storms. They are knocked about by all the winds; from no side is it ever dead calm for them, because reason demands that where the whole of God is not, the inheritance of peace is far away from them.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 14, 1919 Volume 12

[Luisa sees her late confessor, who speaks to her]

… Then he added: “Once you did for me a beautiful suffrage. If you knew the good you did to me, the refreshment that I felt, the years that I paid off!” And I: “I don’t remember. Tell me what it was, and I will repeat it for you.” And he: “You immersed yourself in the Divine Volition, and took Its Power, the Immensity of Its Love, the immense Value of the Pains of the Son of God and of all the Divine Qualities. Then you came to me and poured them upon me; and as you poured them, I received the bath of the Love that the Divine Power contains, the bath of the Beauty, the bath of the Blood of Jesus, and of all the Divine Qualities. Who can tell you the good you did to me? They were all baths which contained a Divine Power and Immensity. Repeat it for me, repeat it for me!”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 13, 1924 Volume 16

… It seemed to me that in His Will I did nothing but ascend to Heaven and descend upon earth, to ascend again in order to bring all generations, to love Him for all, and to make Him loved by all. 

Then, while I was doing this, my Jesus made Himself seen again and told me: “My daughter, how beautiful and delightful it is to see the creature live in Our Will! She lives from Our Reflections, and while living from Our reflections, she absorbs the likeness of her Creator within herself. So she is embellished, enriched, enlarged, so much as to be able to take everyone and to bring all to Us; and she draws so much love from Us as to be able to love Us for all. And We find in her all Our Love, which We delivered in Creation, Our satisfaction, Our contentment and the return of Our works. Our Love for the soul who lives in Our Will is so great that, by virtue of our Will, the soul becomes that which We are by nature. We pour everything into her; not even a fiber do We leave out which is not filled of Our own. We fill her so much as to make her overflow, forming Divine Rivers and Seas around her; and We descend into these Seas to amuse Ourselves, admiring Our Works with Love, and feeling fully glorified.

“Therefore, my daughter, live in the most pure Light of My Will, if you want your Jesus to repeat again that word which He said in creating man: ‘By virtue of Our Will, let Us make this soul in Our Image and Likeness.’”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 12, 1910 Volume 9

As I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus came just in passing and told me: “My daughter, My Will perfects love; It modifies it, It shrinks it, and It expands it into something holier and more perfect. Sometimes love would want to run away and devour everything; but My Will masters love and says: ‘Slow down, don’t run away, because by running away you can hurt yourself, and by wanting to devour everything you can be mistaken.’ Love is pure insofar as it is conformed to My Will; they walk together, and they kiss each other continuously with the kiss of peace. Other times, either because of an interior state or because in its escapes it has not succeeded as it wanted, love would want to constrain Me and almost sit down sluggishly; so My Will spurs it on and says to it: ‘Come on, true lovers are not lazy — they don’t remain idle.’ When it is enclosed in My Will — only then is love safe. So, love makes one appreciate and desire something, and it is taken by follies and by excesses; while My Will tempers and calms love itself, and nourishes the loving soul with a food more solid and Divine. Therefore, in love there can be many imperfections, even in holy things, while in My Will – never; everything is perfect. 

“My daughter, this happens especially in loving souls who have received the grace of My Visits, of My Kisses and Caresses: they remain prey to Love when I deprive them of Myself; Love takes possession of them and renders them panting, fidgety, delirious, mad, restless, impatient. So, if it wasn’t for My Will that nourishes them, calms them, strengthens them, Love would kill them. Though Love is nothing but the firstborn child of My Will, it needs always to be corrected by My Will; and I Love it as much as I love Myself.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 11, 1928 Volume 23

… Now, while I would have wanted my “I love You” to form a circle around all the Acts of Jesus, He moved in my interior and told me:  “My daughter, all of My Hidden Life, and such a long one, was nothing other than the recall of the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth.  I wanted to redo within Myself all the acts that creatures were to do in It, to then hold them out to them; and I wanted to do this together with My Mama, I wanted Her always together with Me in My Hidden Life, in order to form this Kingdom.  Two people had destroyed this Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, Adam and Eve; and two more, Myself and the height of the Sovereign Queen, were to redo It.  

“So, first I took care of the Kingdom of My Divine Will, because the human will had been the first to offend Mine by withdrawing from It; all other offenses came in the second degree, as the consequence of the first act.  It is the human will that is the life or the death of the creature, her happiness or her tyranny and misfortune into which she hurls herself; her good angel that leads her to Heaven, or the one who, transforming into a demon, hurls her into hell.  All evil is in the will, as well as all good, because the will is like the fount of life placed in the creature, that can spring joys, happiness, sanctity, peace, virtue, or spurts from itself little fountains of troubles, of miseries, of sins, of wars, that destroy all goods.

“Therefore, first I took care of the Kingdom of My Will in this Hidden Life, for as long as thirty years; and then, with My short Public Life, just three years, I took care of Redemption.  And while in forming the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, I had the Celestial Mama always near Me, in My Public Life I did without Her presence, at least corporally, because for the Kingdom of My Fiat I constituted Myself King, and the Virgin, Queen, in order to be, I first, and then She, the foundation of the Kingdom that had been destroyed by the human will.  

“See, then, how the Kingdom of My Divine Will, by necessity, by reason, and as a result, was formed with My coming upon earth in the first order; nor could I have formed the Redemption had I not satisfied My Celestial Father for the first offensive act that the creature had done against Him.  Therefore, the Kingdom of My Will is formed, there is nothing left but to make It known; and this is why I do nothing but follow with you, and hold out to you, My Acts that I did in order to form It, accompanying your acts so that the foundation of Mine may flow in them.  I am on guard so that your will may have no life, and so that Mine may be free.  In sum, I am acting as with a second mother of Mine, recalling all the acts done together with the Virgin, in order to deposit them in you.  Therefore, be attentive to follow My Will in everything.”

May everything be for the glory of God and for the fulfillment of His Most Holy Will.

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 10, 1922 Volume 14

I was doing the Hours of the Passion and, according to my usual way, I was pouring myself into the Holy Will of God, offering them for the good of all; but my will, as though wanting to appropriate them, very often would say: “My Jesus, in a special way for help, relief and liberation of this soul…’”And my sweet Jesus, reprimanding me, told me: “My daughter, everything that one does in My Will is like Sun that diffuses to all; and as one prays in My Will, offering My Blood, My pains, My wounds, these convert into as many rays of light which diffuse to all. They descend rapidly into the deepest prison of Purgatory and turn their pains and darkness into light. Therefore, it can be the same for everyone; and if there may be a difference, it can never be on the part of the one who gives, but of those who receive, according to the dispositions of each one. It happens as to the Sun, which gives light to all equally; it hits and warms one point of the earth just as any other. But who profits from this? Those who work. Which land produces fruit? That in which seeds have been sowed. Any other land, in spite of the light of the Sun, remains infertile. Therefore, distinctions do not exist in My Will; by Itself, It runs, It diffuses, and wants to give Itself to all – whoever wants, can take of It.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 9, 1919 Volume 12

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus drew me more and more into His Will. What an interminable abyss! Then He told me: “My daughter, take a look at how My Humanity swam in the Divine Volition, which you should imitate.” At that moment, a Sun seemed to appear before my mind — not so small as the one which shines on our horizon, but so great as to surpass the entire surface of the earth. Even more, one could not see where its boundaries reached; and the rays It spread, forming an enchanting harmony, went up and down, penetrating everywhere. In the center of this Sun I could see the Humanity of Our Lord, nourishing Itself from the Sun, which formed all His Life. He received everything from the Sun, and He gave everything back to It, which spread Itself like beneficial rain over the whole human family. What an enchanting sight! 

Then, my sweet Jesus added: “Have you seen how I want you? The Sun that you see is My Will, in which My Humanity was as though within Its own center. I received everything from My Will; no other food entered into Me. Not even one thought, one word or one breath entered into Me, which was nourished by a food extraneous to My Will. It was right that I gave everything back to It. So do I want you — in the center of My Will, from which you will take the nourishment of everything. Beware of taking any other food; you would descend from your nobility, and degrade yourself, like those queens who lower themselves to taking vile and dirty foods, unworthy of them. And as you take, you must immediately return everything back to Me. Therefore, you will do nothing other than take and give to Me. In this way, you too will form an enchanting harmony between Me and you.”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 8, 1925 Volume 17

“…Now, if you want to cover the paths of the Eternal Will, enter through the door of My Humanity. In It you will find My Divinity, and the Divine Will will make present to you, as though in act, all that It did, does and will do, both in Creation and in Redemption and Sanctification; and you will have the contentment of being able to kiss those Acts and to place in each one of them your little act of love, of adoration, of gratitude. There, you will find My Acts, all of them in the act of giving themselves to you; and you will love them, and will take the gifts of your Celestial Father – greater than these He could not give you: the Gifts, the Fruits, the Effects of His Will. But you will take them according to how much you cooperate, letting your will live as dissolved within Mine.” …

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 7, 1922 Volume 14

I was thinking about what has been written, and I said to myself: “Is it really Jesus that speaks to me, or is it a trick of the enemy and of my fantasy?” And Jesus, on coming, told me: “My daughter, My Words are full of Truth and of Light, and they carry with them the virtue of transforming the soul into Truth itself, into Light itself, and into the very Good which they contain, in such a way that the soul does not only know the Truth, but she feels within her the substance of operating according to the Truth which she has known. Further, My Truths are full of Beauty and Attraction, in such a way that the soul, taken by their Beauty, lets herself be enraptured by them. 

“In Me everything is Order, Harmony and Beauty. See, I created the heavens; they alone could have been enough — but no, I wanted to adorn them with stars, almost studding them with Beauty, so that the human eye might enjoy more from the Works of its Creator. I created the earth, and I adorned it with many plants and flowers... I created nothing which did not have its own ornament. And if this is in the order of created things, much more so in My Truths, which reside within My Divinity. While it seems that they reach the soul, they are like solar rays, which hit and warm the earth without ever departing from the center of the Sun. And the soul remains so enamored with My Truths, that she finds it almost impossible not to put into practice the Truths she has known, even at the cost of her life.

“On the other hand, when it is the enemy or the speculation of fantasy that want to speak about truths, they bring neither light, nor substance, nor beauty, nor attraction. They are empty truths, without Life, and the soul does not feel the grace to sacrifice herself to put them into practice. Therefore, the Truths that your Jesus tells you are full of Life and of all that My Truths contain. Why do you doubt?”

Divine Will for every day of the year - March 6, 1919 Volume 12

I was all concerned about what my sweet Jesus keeps telling me on the Divine Volition, and I said to myself: “How is it possible that the soul can reach such a point — to live more in Heaven than on earth?” And Jesus, on coming, told me: “My daughter, that which is impossible to the creature is possible to Me. It is true that this is the greatest prodigy of My Omnipotence and of My Love, but when I want, I can do anything, and what appears to be difficult is very easy for Me. However, I want the ‘yes’ of the creature, and for her to be available, like soft wax, for whatever I want to make of her. Even more, you must know that before calling her definitively to live in My Volition, I call her every now and then, I strip her of everything, I make her undergo a sort of judgment, because in My Will there are no judgments — things remain fully confirmed with Me. Judgment is outside of My Will. But whatever enters into My Will — who can ever dare to place it under judgment? I never judge Myself... Not only this, but many times I make her die corporally also, and then I give her life again; and the soul lives as if she were not living. Her heart is in Heaven; and living is her greatest martyrdom. How many times have I not done this with you? These are all preparations in order to dispose the soul to live in My Will. And then, the chains of My graces, of My repeated visits — how many have I not given you? Everything was to dispose you to the height of living in the Immense Sea of My Will. Therefore, do not want to investigate, but continue your flight.”