Finding myself in my usual state, I was saying in my interior: “Lord, let it be that I may be all Yours and that I may be always, always with You, and that I may never separate from You. However, while I am with You, do not permit that I may be a goad that embitters You, that I may bother You, that I may displease You, but that I may be a goad that is present in You to sustain You when You are tired or oppressed, that consoles You when You are bothered by the other creatures.” While I was saying this, blessed Jesus told me: "My daughter, one who is in the continuous attitude of loving Me is always with Me, and can never be a goad that gives Me bother, but a goad that sustains Me, that relieves Me, that soothes Me. In fact, true love has this as its own: it renders the beloved content. Besides, one who always loves Me can never displease Me, because love absorbs the whole person. At the most, there might be little things, and the soul herself does not even realize that she may displease Me, but love itself takes on the commitment to purify her, so that I may always find My Delights in her."
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 20, 1907 Volume 7
Having read the lives of two female Saints – one who aspired so much to suffering, and the other who aspired so much to be little – I was thinking in my interior about which one of the two it would be better to imitate, and unable to make up my mind, I felt as though hampered. So, in order to be free and to think only about loving Him, I said to myself: “I want to aspire to nothing but to love Him and to fulfill His Holy Will perfectly.”
At that moment, the Lord told me in my interior: "And it is here that I want you – in My Will. Until the grain of wheat is buried in the earth and dies completely, it cannot rise again to new life and multiply itself, giving life to other grains. In the same way, until the soul is buried in My Will, to the point of dying completely by dissolving all of her will within Mine, she cannot rise again to New Divine Life through the rising of all the virtues of Christ, which contain true Sanctity. Therefore, let My Will be the seal which seals your interior and exterior; and once My Will has risen completely within you, you will find True Love – and this is the greatest of all the other sanctities to which one can aspire.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 19, 1912 Volume 10
As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen with a little rope in His hand, and with it He kept binding hearts, clasping them very tightly to Himself, in such a way as to make them lose their own feeling and make them feel the whole of Jesus. In feeling themselves so clasped, the hearts wriggled about, and as they wriggled about the knot which Jesus had made over them loosened, as they feared that it was a detriment to them no longer to feel themselves. All afflicted because of this behavior of souls, Jesus told me: "My daughter, have you seen how souls render my tendernesses of love vain? I keep binding hearts to unite them closely with Me, to make them lose all that is human; but instead of letting Me do it, on seeing their human being broken, they lose air, they struggle, they wriggle about, and they also want to look a little bit themselves at how cold, dry or warm they are. By this looking at themselves, struggling, wriggling about, the knot I had made becomes loose, and they want to be with Me at a distance, but not clasped in such a way as no longer to feel themselves. This afflicts Me very much, and they prevent My Games of Love. And do not think that these are only souls who are far away from you – rather, these are also those who are around you. You will make them comprehend well the sorrow that they give Me, and that if they do not let themselves be clasped by Me to the point of losing the feeling of themselves, I will never be able to expand My Graces and My Charisms with them. Have you understood?"
And I: “Yes, O Jesus, I understood! Poor ones, if they understood the secret contained in Your clasping, they would not do this – they would let You do it; even more, they themselves would make themselves smaller so as to let You tighten the knot more.” At that moment, I made myself very small; Jesus clasped me, and instead of wriggling about, I let Him squeeze me more tightly; and as He squeezed me, I felt the Life of Jesus - losing my own. Oh! how happy I felt with the Life of Jesus! I was able to love more, and I could reach everything that Jesus wanted.
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 18, 1928 Volume 23
… And He [Jesus], moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, you are worried, but I am not disappointed at all; on the contrary I enjoy in seeing the interest that Priests take in these Writings that will form the Kingdom of My Will. This means that they appreciate the Great Good of them, and each one would want to keep such a great Treasure with himself, to be the first to communicate it to others. And while the issue of who is going to win lasts, one approaches the other in order to consult one another on what to do. And I enjoy that more of My Ministers get to know that there is this treasure so great, of making known the Kingdom of My Divine Will; and I use this to form the first Priests of My coming Kingdom of My Fiat.
“My daughter, it is a great necessity to form the first Priests; they will serve Me like the Apostles served Me to form My Church; and the ones who will occupy themselves with these Writings in order to publish them, putting them out to print them—to make them known, will be the new evangelists of the Kingdom of My Supreme Will. And just as the ones who are most mentioned in My Gospel are the four Evangelists who wrote It, to their highest honor and My Glory, so it will be for those who will occupy themselves with writing the knowledges on My Will in order to publish them. Like new evangelists, there will be greater mention of them in the Kingdom of My Will, to their highest honor and My great Glory in seeing the order of the creature, the Life of Heaven on earth—the only purpose of Creation—return into My Bosom.
“Therefore, in these circumstances I expand the circle, and, like a fisherman, I catch those who must serve Me for a Kingdom so Holy. Therefore, let Me do, and do not be worried.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 17, 1911 Volume 10
Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came, but so afflicted and so burning with Love, that He was restless and asked for refreshment. And throwing His arms around my neck, He told me: "My daughter, give Me love – this is the sole and only refreshment to calm my restlessness of love."
Then He added: "Daughter, what you wrote about the reunions of priests is nothing but a process that I am making with them. If they listen to Me – fine. But if they don’t, since the leaders of the ecclesiastics will not listen to Me because they too are bound by the laces of interest, and are slaves of human miseries, almost lapping them up - instead of dominating over those miseries, of interest, of high positions and the like, the miseries dominate them; therefore, since they are deafened by what is human, I will be neither understood nor listened to – I will turn to the civilian leaders, who will listen to Me more easily. Because of their desire to see the Priest humiliated, and also because maybe these are a little more stripped than the ecclesiastics themselves, My Voice will be more listened to; and what they do not want to do out of love, I will make them do by necessity and by force, and I will make the government take away what is left to them."
And I: “My highest and only Good, what will be the name to be given to these houses, and what the rules?”
And He: "The name will be: The Houses of the Resurrection of the Faith. As for the rules, they can use the same rules as the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri."
Then He added: "Tell Father B. that you will be the organ and he the sound for this work. If he will be mocked and disliked by those who have their interests, the good and the few true good will comprehend the necessity and the truth that he announces, and will make it a duty of conscience to get down to work. Besides, if he is mocked, he will have the honor of becoming more similar to Me."
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 16, 1906 Volume 6
Continuing in my usual state, my blessed Jesus came for a little, and told me: “No one can resist the Truth, nor can man say that it is not the Truth. As evil and stupid as one might be, he cannot say that white is black and that black is white, that light is darkness and that darkness is light. Only, one who loves it embraces it and puts it to work, and one who does not love it remains perturbed and tormented.” And He disappeared like a flash.
A little later He came back and added: “My daughter, one who lives in the sphere if My Will resides in the abode of all riches, and one who lives outside of this sphere of My Will resides in the abode of all miseries. This is why it is said in the Gospel that one who has, will be given, and one who has not, will be deprived of the little he has. In fact, since one who lives in My Will resides in the abode of all riches, it is no wonder that he will continue to be enriched more and more with all goods, because he lives in Me as though in his own house; and keeping him in Me, would I perhaps be stingy? Would I not keep giving him, day after day, now one favor, now another, never ceasing to give to him until I have shared all My Goods with him? Yes indeed. On the other hand, for one who lives in the abode of miseries, outside of my Will, his own will is already, in itself, the greatest of miseries and the destroyer of every good. So, what is the wonder if, if he has a little bit of good, not having contact with My Will, and being seen as useless in that soul, it is taken away from him?”
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 15, 1920 Volume 12
I was pouring all of myself into the Divine Volition, to be able to substitute for everything that the creature is obliged to do toward the Supreme Majesty; and while I was doing this, I said to myself: “Where can I find enough love to be able to give my sweet Jesus love for all?” And He told me in my interior: "My daughter, in My Will you will find this Love, which can make up for the love of all, because one who enters My Will will find many springing founts; and as much as he may take, they never decrease one drop. There is the fount of Love, which impetuously spouts its waves; but as much as it spouts, it always springs forth. There is the fount of Beauty, and no matter how many beauties it releases, it never fades; on the contrary, it springs with ever new and more rare beauties. There is the fount of Wisdom, the fount of Contentments, the fount of Goodness, of Power, of Mercy, of Justice, and of all the rest of My Qualities.
“They all spring up, and each one pours into the other, in such a way that Love is beautiful, is wise, is powerful, etc. The fount of Beauty gives beauty of Love, wise and powerful, and with such power as to keep the whole of Heaven enraptured, without ever tiring It. These springing founts form such a harmony, such a contentment and an enchanting show that all the Blessed remain so sweetly enchanted that they never move, even one glance, so as not to miss even one of these contentments. Therefore, My daughter, for one who wants to love, repair and substitute for all, there is the strict necessity to live in My Volition, from where everything springs; where things multiply as many times as needed, and remain all coined with the Divine Imprint. This Divine Imprint forms the other founts, whose waves rise and rise so much, that in pouring out, they flood everything and do good to all. Therefore, always – always in My Will. There I await you — there I want you."
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 14, 1902 Voume 4
As I was in my usual state, my adorable Jesus came and told me: "My daughter, only one who has emptied himself of everything and has filled himself completely with Me can be truly worthy of Me, in such a way as to make of himself an object of Divine Love alone; to the point that My Love must come to form his life, and he must love Me, not with his love, but with My own Love." Then He added: "What do these words mean: He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and has lifted up the lowly? That the soul, destroying herself completely, fills all of herself with God, and as she loves God with God Himself, God exalts the soul to an Eternal Love. This is the true and greatest exaltation, and also true humility." Then He continued: "The true sign to know whether one possesses this Love is that the soul cares about nothing but loving God, making Him known, and making everyone love Him." Then, as He withdrew in my interior, I heard Him pray, saying: "Ever Holy and indivisible Trinity, I adore You profoundly, I love You intensely, I thank You perpetually, for all and in the hearts of all." And I went on in this way, hearing Him pray almost continuously inside of me, and I with Him.
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 13, 1929 Volume 25
[Jesus speaking]
“… Now, My daughter, the Kingdom of Redemption and the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat hold hands, and since It is also a Universal Good, such that, if they want it so, all can enter into It, it is necessary that many know the news about It, and that It be conceived in the minds, in the words, in the works and hearts of many, so that, through prayers, desires, and a holier life, they may dispose themselves to receive the Kingdom of My Divine Will into their midst. If the news is not divulged, My manifestations will not act as trumpeters, nor will the knowledges about My Divine Fiat fly from mouth to mouth, forming the conception of It in the minds, prayers, sighs and desires of creatures. My Divine Volition will not make Its triumphant entrance, of coming to reign upon earth.
“How necessary it is that the knowledges about My Fiat be known; not only this, but that it be made known that My Divine Will already wants to come to Reign on earth as It does in Heaven into the midst of creatures. And it is to the Priests, as to new prophets, through the word as well as through writing and through works, that the task is given of acting as trumpeters in order to make known what regards My Divine Fiat; nor would their crime be lesser than that of the Prophets, had these hidden My Redemption, if they do not occupy themselves as much as they can with what regards My Divine Will. They themselves would be the cause of a Good so great being neither known nor received by creatures; and to suffocate the Kingdom of My Divine Will, to keep suspended a Good so great, such that there is no other similar to it—is this perhaps not a crime? Therefore, I recommend to you: on your part, do not omit anything, and pray for those who must occupy themselves with making known a good so great.”
Then He added with a more tender and afflicted tone: “My daughter, this was the purpose for which I permitted the necessity of the coming of the Priest—that you might deposit in them, as a sacred deposit, all the Truths that I have spoken to you about My Divine Fiat, and that they be attentive and the faithful executors of what I want—that is, that they make the Kingdom of My Divine Will known. Be certain that I would not have permitted their coming if not for the purpose of fulfilling My great designs over the destiny of the human family. …”
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 12, 1900 Volume 3
… While my little brain was wandering in this, my adorable Jesus told me: “Only My Humanity was filled with opprobriums and humiliations, to the point that they overflowed outside. This is why Heaven and earth tremble before My Virtues, and the souls who love Me use My Humanity as a staircase in order to ascend and lap up a few little drops of My Virtues. Tell me now: before My Humility, where is yours? I alone can glory in possessing true humility. My Divinity, united to My Humanity, could operate Prodigies at each step, word and work; yet, I voluntarily constrained Myself within the circle of my Humanity, I showed Myself as the poorest, and I reached the point of mingling with sinners themselves. I could have done the Work of Redemption in very little time, and even with one single word; yet, during the course of many years, with many hardships and sufferings, I wanted to make the miseries of man My own; I wanted to exercise Myself in many different actions, so that man might be completely renewed and divinized, even in the lowest works. In fact, once they had been exercised by Me, who was God and Man, they received New Splendor, and remained with the mark of Divine Works. My Divinity, hidden within My Humanity, wanted to lower Itself to such baseness, subjecting Itself to the course of human actions — while with one single Act of My Will I could have created infinite worlds — feeling the miseries and the weaknesses of others as if they were Its own, seeing Itself covered with all the sins of men before Divine Justice, having to pay their penalty at the price of unheard-of pains and with the shedding of all Its Blood…. Thus It exercised continuous acts of profound and heroic humility.
“Oh daughter, here is the immense difference between My Humility and the humility of creatures, even that of all of My Saints, which is only a shadow in the face of Mine; because the creature is always a creature and does not know, as I know, how great is the weight of sin. Even though heroic souls, following My Example, have offered themselves to suffer the pains of others, their pains are not different from those of the other creatures; they are not new things for them, because they are made of the same clay. Moreover, the mere thought that those pains are the cause of new gains, and that they glorify God, is a great honor for them. Furthermore, the creature is restricted within the circle in which God placed her, and she cannot go out of those limits within which she has been circumscribed by God. Oh, if it were in their power to do or undo things, how many other things they would do — everyone would reach the stars! But my divinized Humanity had no limits, yet It voluntarily constrained Itself within Itself; and this was the braiding of all My Works with heroic humility.
This had been the cause of all evils which inundate the earth – lack of humility; and by exercising this virtue, I was to draw all goods from Divine Justice. Ah, yes, no concessions of graces come from My Throne, if not by means of humility, nor can any ticket be received by Me, if it does not carry the signature of humility. No prayer is listened to by My Ears, and moves My Heart to compassion, if it is not perfumed by the fragrance of humility. If the creature does not arrive at destroying that seed of honor, of esteem – and this can be destroyed by arriving at loving to be despised, humiliated, confused – she will feel a braiding of thorns around her heart; she will feel a void in her heart which will always bother her, and will render her very dissimilar from My Most Holy Humanity. If she does not arrive at loving humiliations, at the most she will be able to know herself a little bit, but will not shine before Me, clothed with the garment of humility, beautiful and worthy of sympathy.” …
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 11, 1912 Volume 10
After I received Communion, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen all around me, and I was in the middle, as if within a flow. Jesus was the flow and I the nothing which was in the middle of this flow. Now, who can say what I experienced in this flow? I felt I was immense, yet nothing existed of me but nothingness; I felt breathed upon by Jesus; I felt His breath around me and everywhere… But I don’t have the words to express myself, I am too ignorant; I wrote this to obey. Then, afterwards Jesus told me: "My daughter, see how much I Love you and how I keep you safe within My Flow – that is, within Me. This is how you should keep Me safe and sheltered within you. Love wants to be matched by Love, so as to have the contentment of making a greater surprise of Love. Therefore, never go out from within My Love, from within My Desires, from within My Works, from within My All."
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 10, 1938 Volume 35
I was doing the round in the Divine Fiat—and O, how I yearned that no Act might escape me, of all that It has done, both in the Creation and the Redemption. I feel that I lack something if I don’t recognize all that It did, loving it, kissing it, squeezing it to my heart, as if it were mine. The Divine Volition would remained displeased if one who Lives in It did not know all of Its Acts, and if It couldn’t find the little ‘I love you’ from Its beloved one, in everything It did. There is nothing It did not do for this creature.
So I arrived to follow the point when the Celestial Baby was in Egypt, in the act of taking His first steps. I kissed His steps, I placed my ‘I love you’ in every step He took, and I asked Him for the first steps of His Will for all human generations. I tried to follow Him in everything. If He prayed, if He cried—I asked that His Will might animate all the prayers of the creatures, and that His tears might regenerate the Life of Its Fiat in the human family.
So, while I was attentive in following Him in everything, the little Baby King, visiting my poor soul, said to me: “Daughter of My Will, how Happy I am when the creature does not leave Me alone! I feel her behind Me, in front of Me, and inside all My Acts.
“Now, you must know that My exile in Egypt was not without Conquests. When I was about three years old, from our little hovel I could hear the children playing and shouting in the street; and as little as I was, I went out in their midst. As soon as they saw Me, they ran around Me, competing with themselves for who could get the closest to Me, because My Beauty, the Enchantment of My Gaze and the Sweetness of My Voice were such that they felt enraptured for love of Me. So, they would throng around Me, loving Me so much that they could not detach themselves from Me. I too Loved these children, so I gave My first little sermon to these little ones, adapting Myself to their tiny capacity—since when Love is True, It not only tries to make Itself known, but also to give all that may render one Happy in time and Eternity; more so, since, possessing innocence, they could easily understand Me.
“And would you like to know what My Sermon was about? I said to them: ‘My children, listen to Me. I Love you very much and I want to make you know about your Origin. Look up at Heaven. Up there you have a Celestial Father who Loves you very much, and who was not satisfied to be your Father only from Heaven—to guide you, to Create for you a sun, a sea, a flowery earth to make you happy; but, Loving you with Exuberant Love, He wanted to descend inside your hearts, to form His Royal Residence in the depth of your souls, making Himself sweet Prisoner of each one of you. But, to do what? To give Life to your heartbeat, breath and motion. So, as you walk, He walks in your steps; He moves in your little hands; He speaks in your voice... and because He Loves you very much, as you walk or move—now He kisses you, now He squeezes you, now He hugs you and carries you Triumphantly as His own dear children. How many hidden kisses and hugs Our Celestial Father does not give you! But since, being inattentive, you didn’t let your kiss meet His kiss, and your hugs meet His Paternal Embrace, He remained with the Pain that His children neither hugged Him nor kissed Him.
“‘My dear children, do you know what this Celestial Father wants from you? He wants to be recognized within you, as having His own place in the center of your souls; and since He gives you everything—there is nothing He does not give to you—He wants your love in everything you do. Love Him! Let love be always in your little hearts, your lips, your works—in everything—and this will be the delicious food that you will give to His Paternity.
“‘He Loves you very much and wants to be Loved. Nobody can ever love you as He Loves you. It is true that you have a father on earth, but how different from the Love of the Celestial Father! Your father on earth does not always follow you, watch over your steps, or sleep together with you; neither does he palpitate within your heart, and if you fall, he may not even know anything about it. On the other hand, your Celestial Father never leaves you. If you are about to fall, He gives you His hand not to let you fall; if you sleep, He watches over you; and even if you play and do something impertinent, He is always with you and knows everything you do. Therefore, love Him very, very much!’
“And, getting more excited, I told them: ‘Give Me your word that you will always, always love Him! Say together with Me: “We love You, our Father who are in the Heavens. We love You, our Father who dwells in our hearts!”’
“My daughter, at My Words some children remained moved, some enraptured; some squeezed themselves to Me so much that they wouldn’t let Me go. I made them feel the Palpitating Life of My Celestial Father inside their little hearts, and they rejoiced and made feast, because they no longer had a Father who was far away from them, but inside their own hearts. And to make them firm and give them the strength to depart from Me, I Blessed those children, Renewing upon them Our Creative Power—invoking the Power of the Father, the Wisdom of Myself, the Son, and the Virtue of the Holy Spirit; and I told them: ‘Go—you will return.’ So they left....
“But they would come back the following days, almost in a crowd—a throng—of children. They set themselves to spy when I was about to go out, and to see what I was doing in our hovel. And when I went out they would clap their hands, making feast and shouting so much that My Mother would come out the door to see what was happening. O, how enraptured She would remain, in seeing her Son speaking to those children with so much Grace. She felt Her Heart bursting with Love, and could see the first fruits of My Life down here, since none of these children who listened to Me—not a single one of them—was lost. Knowing that they had a Father inside their hearts was like a deposit, to be able to own the Celestial Fatherland—to love that Father who was in Heaven as well.
“My daughter, this sermon that I, as a little Baby, gave to the children of Egypt, was the foundation—the Essence of the Creation of Man. It contains the most Indispensable Doctrine and the Highest Sanctity. It makes Love arise in every instant: the Love between the Creator and the creature. What Pain, in seeing many little lives that do not know the Life of a God within their souls! They grow without Divine Paternity, as if they were alone in the world. They do not feel and do not know how much they are Loved. So, how can they love me? Without love, the heart hardens and the life is degraded and—poor youth!—they give themselves to the gravest crimes.... This is a Pain for your Jesus, and I want it to be a pain for you as well, so that you pray for many, that they may be taught that I am in their hearts—that I Love and I want to be Loved.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 9, 1920 Volume 12
I was praying, and with my thought I was fusing myself in the Eternal Volition; and bringing myself before the Supreme Majesty, I said: “Eternal Majesty, I come to your feet in the name of the whole human family, from the first to the last man of the future generations, to adore You profoundly. At your Most Holy feet I want to seal the adorations of all; I come to recognize You in the name of all as Creator and absolute ruler of all. I come to love You for all and for each one; I come to return love to You for all, because of each created thing, in which You placed so much Love that the creature will never find enough love to repay You in love. But in Your Will I find this Love, and wanting that my love, as well as the other acts, be complete, full and for all, I have come into Your Will where everything is Immense and Eternal, and where I can find Love to be able to love You for all. So, I love You for each star You have created; I love You for all the drops of light and for all the intensity of heat which You have placed in the Sun...” But who can tell all that my poor mind was saying? I would be too long; therefore I stop here.
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 8, 1919 Volume 12
… Then Jesus came back, and surrounding my neck with His arm, added: "My beloved, courage. Enter into Me, come and swim in the Immense Sea of My Volition, of My Love. Hide yourself inside the uncreated Will and Love of your Creator. My Volition has the Power to render infinite all that enters into My Will, and to raise and transform the acts of the creatures into eternal acts. In fact, all that enters into My Will acquires Eternity, Infinity, Immensity, losing all that has a beginning, that which is finite, little. All that My Will is, so It renders their acts. Therefore, say - shout loudly in My Will: ‘I Love You.’ I will hear the note of My Eternal Love; I will feel the created love hidden inside the Uncreated Love, and I will feel Myself being loved by the creature with an Eternal, Infinite, Immense Love - a Love worthy of Me, which stands in for Me, and which can compensate Me for the love of all." …
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 7, 1930 Volume 27
I was feeling all abandoned in the Supreme Fiat, and I thought to myself: “What could I give to my beloved Jesus?”
And He, immediately: “Your will.”
And I: “My Love, I gave it to You, and having given it, I believe I am no longer free to give it to You, because it is Yours.”
And Jesus: “My daughter, every time you would like to give Me the gift of your will, I accept it as a new gift, because I leave the human will in its free willing, in such a way that the creature can be in the act of giving it to Me always. And I accept it as many times for as many times as she gives it to Me, because she sacrifices herself as many times for as many times as she gives Me the gift of it. And in seeing that the creature is constant in giving Me her continuous gift, I see that there is true decision on her part, and she loves and esteems the Gift of My Will; and I, just as she gives Me the continuous gift of hers, give her the continuous Gift of Mine; and expanding her capacity—because the creature is incapable of taking the whole endlessness of My Volition—I keep increasing, continuously, more Sanctity, more Love, more Beauty, more Light and more Knowledge of My Divine Will.
“So, in the exchange we make—you, of your will, and I, of Mine—we double the gifts, and it remains bound so many times for as many times as we make the exchange of it. Therefore, I always have something to give you, and you too, because in My Will things never end, they arise in every instant; and as you gave your will to Me, at the contact with Mine, yours has acquired the prerogative of Mine, of being able to give itself continuously to your Jesus.” …
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 6, 1927 Volume 20
… Then, after this, I was thinking about the Holy Magi, when they visited the little baby Jesus in the grotto of Bethlehem; and my always lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, see the Order of My Divine Providence: for the great portent of My Incarnation, I chose and used a Virgin, humble and poor; and the Virgin Saint Joseph as my custodian, who acted as a father to Me, and who was so poor that he needed to work in order to sustain our lives. See how in the greatest works – and the mystery of the Incarnation could not be greater – We use people whose outward appearance attracts no attention from anyone, because dignities, scepters, riches, are always fumes which blind the soul, and prevent her from penetrating into the Celestial Mysteries in order to receive a Great Act of God - and God Himself. But in order to manifest to the peoples the coming of Myself, Word of the Father, upon earth, I wanted and used royal authorities, learned and erudite men, so that, by their authority, they might diffuse the knowledges of the incarnate God and, eventually, also impose themselves to the peoples. In spite of this, the star was seen by everyone, yet only three of them move, pay attention and follow it. This says that, among all, these alone possessed a certain dominion over themselves, which formed a little empty space in their interior. So, beyond the appearance of the star, they felt My Call which echoed within their interior; and heedless of sacrifices, of gossip, of mockeries – because their were leaving for an unknown place and they had to hear much of it – disregarding everything and dominating themselves, they followed the star united to My Call, which resounded in their interior as more than a speaking star. It enlightened them, it attracted them, and said many things about the One whom they were to visit; and, drunk with joy, they followed the star.
“See then, how in order to give the great gift of the Incarnation, it took a Virgin who had no human will, who was more of Heaven than of earth, and who was disposed to this Great Portent by a Continuous Miracle. So, We had no need of external things and of human appearances, which might draw the attention of the peoples. However, in spite of this, also to manifest Myself, I wanted men who had dominion over themselves, and who would make a little space within their interior, to let the echo of My Call resound in it. But was not their surprise in seeing the star stop, not over a royal palace, but over a vile hovel? They did not know what to think, and convinced themselves that there was a Mystery – not human, but Divine. When they animated themselves with faith, entered the grotto and, kneeling, adored Me, as they bent their knees, I revealed Myself, and I let my Divinity shine forth from My little Humanity, and they recognized Me as the King of kings – the One who had come to save them. Immediately, they offered themselves to serve Me and to lay down their lives for love of Me; but my Will made Itself known, and sent them again into their region, to let them be the messengers of My Coming upon earth in the midst of those peoples. See then, how necessary dominion of oneself and emptiness of heart are, to let my call resound, and to be fitting for knowing the Truth and for manifesting it to others.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 5, 1901 Volume 4
As I was outside of myself, I saw the confessor placing the intention of the crucifixion. I was afraid to submit myself, but Jesus told me: "What can I do? I cannot help obeying, because My Humanity was made on purpose to obey, and to destroy disobedience. This virtue is so grafted within Me, that it can be said that obedience is Nature in Me, and the distinction dearest and most glorious to Me; so much so, that if My Humanity did not have this of Its own, I would abhor It, and would never have united Myself to It. You, then, want to disobey? You can do it, but you will do it yourself – I won’t." All confused in seeing a God so obedient, I said: “I too want to obey”; and I submitted myself, and Jesus shared with me the pains of the Cross.
After this, He transported me outside of myself, and blessed Jesus gave me a kiss. As He was doing this, a bitter breath came out, and He was in the act of wanting to pour His Bitternesses; but He did not do it, because He wanted to be told by me to do it. Immediately I said: “Do You want some reparation? Let us do it together; in this way my reparations, united to Yours, will have the effects of Yours, for if I do them on my own I believe they will disgust You more.” So I took His Hand, dripping with Blood, and kissing it, I recited the Laudate Dominum [Praise the Lord] with the Gloria Patri [Glory Be] – Jesus one part, I the other – to repair for the many evil works that are committed, placing the intention of praising Him as many times for as many offenses as He receives because of evil works. How moving it was to see Jesus praying! Then I continued to do the same to the other hand, placing the intention of praising Him as many times for as many offenses as He receives because of sins of causes. Then, His feet, with the intention of praising Him as many times for as many evil steps and as many wrong paths which are covered, even under the appearance of piety and sanctity. Lastly, His Heart, with the intention of praising Him for as many times as the human heart does not palpitate, does not love, and does not desire God. …”
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 4, 1924 Volume 16
[Jesus speaking]
“… Therefore, have courage in the state in which you find yourself. Dismiss the thought that I may leave you; it would go against My Will, since I keep the contract of My Will deposited in you. So, be at peace; it is My Will that tests you, and wants not only to purge you, but to destroy even the shadow of your will. So, in all peace, continue your flight in My Will and be concerned with nothing. Your Jesus will do in such a way that everything which may happen inside and outside of you, will make My Will stand out even more and will expand Its boundaries in you, in your human will. I Myself will maintain the rhythm in your interior, in order to direct everything in you according to My Will.
“I occupied Myself with nothing else but the Will of My Father; and since all things are in It, I occupied Myself with everything. And if I taught a prayer, it was no other prayer than this – that the Divine Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. However, it was the prayer which enclosed everything. Therefore, I did not move if not around the Supreme Will; My Words, My Pains, My Works, My Heartbeats, were filled with Celestial Will. So do I want you to do: you must go around It so much as to let yourself be burned by the Eternal Breath of the Fire of My Will, in such a way as to lose any other knowledge, and to know nothing else but My Will — only and always."
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 3, 1922 Volume 13
Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus, on coming, told me: "Daughter of My Volition, come into My Will that you may know the Relations which exist between the Divine Will and the human will, which the creature shattered from the very terrestrial Eden. But the soul who knows no other life but the Life of My Will, rebuilds My Will, binds It once again, giving back to It all the Relations which the creature had broken - Relations of Creation, and of Principle of Existence. These were Bonds of Union between Creator and creature — relations of Likeness, Sanctity, Science, Power… Everything I contain I placed in Relation with man - Relations in order of all created things; and to him I gave primacy over everything.
“Now, by withdrawing from My Will, he broke all these Relations, and placed himself in relation with sin, with passions, with his fiercest enemy. Therefore, the soul who lives in My Will rises so high as to leave everyone behind; she places herself in order between Me and her; she gives herself back to the origin, and places all broken Relations in force. All created things form her cortege and recognize her as their legitimate daughter, feeling honored to be dominated by her. The purpose for which they were created — to be commanded and to obey her slightest wishes — is already accomplished. Therefore, all nature remains reverent around her, and exults in seeing that finally its God receives the Glory of the Purpose for which He had created it — that of serving man. And so, fire, light, water, cold, will let themselves be commanded, and will faithfully obey.
And just as My Love immediately prepared the remedy in order to save man, by descending from Heaven and becoming Man, so this soul who lives in My Will, by giving herself back to the beginning, to her Eternal Origin from which she came, even before My Humanity was formed, already kissed and adored My Blood and My Wounds, honored My Steps and My Works, and formed a worthy cortege to My Humanity
“Oh, soul who lives in My Will, you alone are the Purpose of the Glory of Creation, the Decorum and the Honor of My Works, and the fulfillment of My Redemption! In you I centralize everything; may all relations be given back to you. And if out of weakness you should lack something, for the decorum and the honor of My Will I will make up for you in everything. Therefore, be attentive, and give this highest contentment to your Jesus."
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 2, 1930 Volume 27
My abandonment in the Fiat continues, and carrying on my round in Its Works, I was feeling all surrounded by them, and each of them was waiting for me to recognize them as Works of my Creator, so as to bind ourselves together with inseparable bonds. It seemed to me that the Divine Will, with Its light, flowed in all Creation as our blood flows in the body; and so It also flowed in all the Acts, Words, Steps, Pains and Tears of Jesus; and I went in search of everything as my own things, to love them and recognize them as things that belong to me.
But while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, one who lives in My Divine Will is in communication with all things created by Us, because My Will is of all and belongs to all. Since one is the Will that Dominates and Operates, all things are to It like members to the body, whose Head is God, who has such Bond with all things—because Our Divine Volition flows as Prime Act of Life—that they are inseparable from Him. Only the human will, if it wants to operate on its own, without the union of Ours, can break this Beautiful Union, this Bond of Inseparability among God, created things and creatures. Therefore, My Divine Will is the Bearer to the creature of all Our Acts done in Creation and in Redemption; It is the Revealer of Our Secrets. Since Our Will is one with the creature who lives in It, how can It hide?
“And I, My daughter—how bad I would feel if I did not render you aware of My Tears, of My inmost Pains, and of what I did while I was on earth. And in My Sorrow I would say: ‘Not even the little daughter of My Will knows everything I have done and suffered so as to receive the requital, even of her little repeated “I love You,” and give her the gift of what belongs to Me.’ Therefore, each thing you know of Me and you love as your own, I give to you as a Gift; and making feast, I say: ‘I have always something to give to My daughter, and she has always something to receive; therefore we will always be together, because we are occupied in the exchange we make—I, in giving, and she, in receiving.’”