This morning I felt almost free of sufferings. I myself did not know what to do, when I felt I was outside of myself and I saw people from our country who, in addition to the words and the calumnies they had spoken, were plotting to come to deeds. In the meantime I saw blessed Jesus and I said: “Lord, You give too much liberty to these infernal men. Up until now it has been about infernal words, but now they want to reach the point of laying hands on Your ministers. Bind them, and have compassion on them, and, at the same time, defend those who belong to You.” And He: "Daughter, this freedom is necessary in order to recognize the good and the evil. Know, however, that I am tired of man – so tired that I share it with you. In fact, when you feel that tiredness of this state of victim, and almost the will to go out of it, this comes to you from Me; and I warn you to be attentive not to put your will in, for I am looking for the will of the creature to lean on it and chastise the rebels. But, let us try – again I will make you suffer, and they will be left without strength and will not be able to do anything of what they want." Who can say what I suffered and how many times He renewed my crucifixion! And while doing this, raising His hand toward Heaven, He told me: "My daughter, I did not make man for the earth, but for Heaven; his mind, his heart, and everything that his interior contains were to exist in Heaven. Had he done this, he would have received the influence of the Most Holy Trinity within his three powers, and It would have been copied within himself; but since he occupies himself with earth, he receives mud, rot, and the whole bilge of vices that the earth contains."
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 4, 1925 Volume 17
Having completed my whole day, I was thinking to myself: “What else is left for me to do?” And in my interior, I heard: "You have to do the most important thing – your last act of fusing yourself in the Divine Will."
So, according to my usual way, I started to fuse all my poor being in the Supreme Will; and as I was doing so, it seemed to me that the Heavens were opening, and I went to meet the whole Celestial Court, and all of Heaven came toward me. And my sweet Jesus told me: "My daughter, fusing yourself in My Will is the most solemn act, the greatest one, the most important of all your life. To fuse yourself in My Will is to enter the sphere of Eternity, embrace It, kiss It, and receive the deposit of the goods which the Eternal Will contains. Even more, as the soul fuses herself in the Supreme Volition, all go to meet her, in order to communicate to her all the goods and the glory they have. The Angels, the Saints, the very Divinity — they all communicate, knowing that they communicate in that same Will in Which everything is safe. Even more, in receiving these goods, the soul multiplies them through her acts in the Divine Will, and gives back double glory and honor to the whole of Heaven. Therefore, by fusing yourself in My Will, you put Heaven and earth in motion. It is a new feast for the whole Heaven.
“And since to fuse oneself in My Will is to love and to give, for each one and for all, without excluding anyone — in My Goodness, so as not to be won over in love by the creature, I place in her – in My Will – the goods of all, and all the possible goods I contain within Me. Nor can there be a lack of space in which to place all the goods, because My Will is immense, and is capable of receiving everything. If you knew what you do and what happens when you fuse yourself in My Will, you would eagerly yearn to do it continuously.”
Afterwards, I was thinking about whether I had to write what is written above, or not. I didn’t see it as necessary, or as an important thing; more so, since obedience had given me no order to do it. And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: "My daughter, how can it not be important to make it known that fusing oneself in My Will is to live in It? The soul who fuses herself in My Will receives, as though in deposit, all My Divine and Eternal Goods. The very Saints compete with each other in order to deposit their merits in the soul fused in My Will, because they feel in her the Glory, the Power of My Will, and feel glorified in a Divine manner by the littleness of the creature.
“Listen, My daughter: to live in My Will surpasses even martyrdom in merit. Martyrdom kills the body, but living in My Will implies that the creature kills her own will with a Divine hand, and It gives her the nobility of a Divine Martyrdom. And every time the soul decides to live in My Will, My Volition prepares the blow in order to kill the human will, and forms the noble martyrdom of the soul. But in order to reach this happy state, the human will and the Divine Will must be tied together: one has to give the place to the Other, and the human will must be content with remaining extinguished under the power of the Divine Will. Therefore, every time you dispose yourself to live in My Volition, you dispose yourself to undergo the martyrdom of your will.
“Do you see, then, what it means to fuse oneself in My Will? It is to be the continuous martyr of My Supreme Will. And you think it’s trivial, or not important?"
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 3, 1907 Volume 7
Continuing in my usual state, I saw blessed Jesus for just a little, and He told me: "My daughter, if one fears much, it is a sign that she relies much on herself, because in noticing nothing but weaknesses and miseries within herself, she naturally and justly fears. On the other hand, if one fears nothing, it is a sign that she relies on God, because by relying on God, her miseries and weaknesses are dissolved in God, and as she feels invested by the Divine Being, it is no longer she who operates, but God within her. So, what can she fear? Therefore, true trust reproduces Divine Life in the soul."
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 2, 1923 Volume 15
I was praying and abandoning all of myself in the arms of the Most Holy Will of God, and my always lovable Jesus, coming out from my interior and taking my hand, told me: “My daughter, come with Me and look at the great void which exists between Heaven and earth. Before My Fiat was pronounced, this great void was horrible to the sight. Everything was disorder; no separation of land, of water, or of mountains could be seen – it was one heap that struck fright. But as soon as My Fiat was pronounced, all things rolled about, bumping against one another, and each of them took its place, remaining all ordered with the imprint of My Eternal Fiat; nor can they move if My Fiat does not want it. The earth no longer struck fright; on the contrary, as one sees the vastness of the seas, their waters no longer muddy but crystal clear, their sweet murmuring, as if the waters were voices speaking softly and quietly among themselves, their roaring waves which sometimes rise so high as to make mountains of water appear, which then fall back again into the same sea — how much beauty does this not contain? How much order — and how much attention does it not earn from creatures? And then, the earth, all green and flowery — how much variety of beauty does it not contain? But this was nothing yet. The void was not completely filled; and just as My Fiat hovered over the earth and separated things and ordered the earth, in the same way, hovering up high, It extended the heavens, It adorned them with stars, and in order to fill the void of darkness, It created the sun which, dispelling darkness, filled this great void with light and made all the beauty of all Creation stand out. But what was the cause of so much good? My omnipotent Fiat. However, this Fiat wanted a void in order to create this machine of the universe.
“Now, My daughter, do you see this great void in which I created so many things? Yet, the void of the soul is even greater. The former was to serve as the dwelling of man; the void of the soul was to serve as the dwelling of a God. I was not to pronounce My Fiat for six days, as in creating the universe, but for as many days as the life of man contains — and so many times for as many as, putting his own will aside, he would let Mine operate. Therefore, since My Fiat was to do more things than It did in Creation, more space was needed. But do you know who gives Me free field in order to fill this great void of the soul? One who lives in My Will. My Fiats are pronounced repeatedly; every thought is accompanied by the power of My Fiat, and – oh! how many stars adorn the heaven of the intelligence of the soul. Her actions are followed by My Fiat, and – oh! how many suns rise within her. Her words, invested by My Fiat, are sweeter than the murmuring of the waters of the sea, in which the sea of My Graces flows in order to fill this great void, and My Fiat delights in forming waves that rise up high, beyond Heaven, and descend again, more loaded, in order to expand the sea of the soul. My Fiat blows upon her heart, and of her heartbeats It makes fires of Love. My Fiat leaves nothing out; It invests every affection, and tendencies, desires, and forms in them the most beautiful flowerings.
“How many things does My Fiat not operate in this great void of the soul who lives in My Will! Oh! how the whole machine of the universe is left behind. The heavens are astonished; trembling, they watch the omnipotent Fiat operating in the will of the creature, and they feel their happiness being doubled every time this Fiat acts and renews Its Creative Power. So, they are all attentive around Me, to see when My Fiat is pronounced, in order to receive their double glory and happiness. Oh! if all knew the Power of My Fiat and the great good It contains, they would all give themselves prey to My Omnipotent Will. Yet, there is to weep about. How many souls, with these great voids within themselves, are worse than the great void of the universe before My Fiat was pronounced! Since My Fiat does not hover within them, everything is disorder, the darkness is so thick as to strike horror and fright. There is one heap, all mixed together — nothing is in place. The work of Creation is upset in them, because My Fiat alone is order; the human will is disorder.
“Therefore, My daughter, if you want order within yourself, let My Fiat be the life of everything in you, and you will give Me the great contentment that My Fiat may be able to unfold, putting out the Prodigies and the Goods It contains.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - January 1, 1927 Volume 20
I was meditating on the old year which was setting, and the new one which was rising. My state continued in the flight of the Light of the Divine Will, and I prayed the pretty Little Baby that, just as the old year was dying never to be born again, He would make my will die and live no more; and as gift for the new year, He would give me His Will, just as I gave Him mine as gift, placing it as footstool at His tender little feet, that it might have no life but His Will alone. Now, while I was saying these and other things, my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, and told me: “Daughter of My Will, how I love, want and yearn that your will may end in you. Oh, how I accept your gift! How pleasing it will be for Me to keep it at my feet as a soft footstool. In fact, as long as it remains in the creature, outside of its center, which is God, the human will is hard; but when it enters once again into the center from which it came, serving as footstool at the feet of its Little Baby Jesus, it becomes soft, and I use it to amuse Myself. Is it not fair that, being little, I have My amusement? And that in the midst of so many sorrows, privations and tears, I may hold your will to make Me smile? Now, you must know that one who puts an end to his will, returns to the Origin from which he came, and the New Life, the Life of Light, the perennial life of My Will, begins in him.
“See, when I came upon earth, I wanted to give many examples and similes about how I wanted the human will to end. I wanted to be born at midnight, so as to break the night of the human will with the refulgent Day of Mine. And even though at midnight the night continues and does not finish, it is yet the beginning of a New Day; and My Angels, to honor My birth and to point out to everyone the day of My Will, from midnight on, enlivened the vault of the heavens with new stars and new suns, such as to turn the night into more than daylight. This was the homage that the Angels gave to My little Humanity, in which dwelled the full Day of the Sun of My Divine Will, and the call of the creature into the Full Day of It. Still little, I submitted Myself to the cruel cut of circumcision, which made Me shed bitter tears for the pain – and not only to Me, but with Me cried My Mama and dear St. Joseph. It was the cut of the human will that I wanted to make, so that all might let the Divine Will flow within that cut, and so that a broken will might have life no more — but only Mine, which had flowed within that cut in order to begin Its Life again.
“Still little, I wanted to flee to Egypt. A tyrannical and iniquitous will wanted to kill Me – symbol of the human will which wants to kill Mine; so I fled, in order to say to all: ‘Flee the human will, if you do not want Mine to be killed.’ My whole Life was nothing other than the call of the Divine Will into the human. In Egypt I lived like a stranger in the midst of that people – symbol of My Will, which they keep as though estranged within their midst; and symbolizing that whoever wants to live in Peace and united with My Will, must live as though estranged to the human will. Otherwise, there will always be war between the two of them, because they are two irreconcilable wills.
“After My exile, I returned to My fatherland – symbol of My Will which, after Its long exile of centuries upon centuries, will return to Its dear Fatherland, to reign in the midst of Its children. And as I went through these stages in My Life, I kept forming Its Kingdom in Me, and I called It with incessant Prayers, with pains and with tears, to come and Reign in the midst of creatures. I returned to My fatherland and I lived hidden and unknown. Oh, how this symbolizes the sorrow of My Will which, while living in the midst of the peoples, lives unknown and hidden! And with My hiddenness, I impetrated that the Supreme Will might be known, in order to receive the homage and the glory which are due to It.
“There was nothing I did which did not symbolize a sorrow of My Will, the condition in which creatures put It, and the call I made in order to return Its Kingdom to It. And this is what I want your life to be: the continuous call of the Kingdom of My Will into the midst of creatures.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 31, 1902 Volume 4
Continuing to be with a fear that I might oppose the Will of my adorable Jesus, I was feeling all oppressed and distressed, and I prayed Him to free me, saying: “Lord, have pity on me; don’t You see the danger I am in? How is it possible that I, most wretched little worm, dare so much as to feel myself opposed to your Holy Will? And besides, what good can I possibly find, and into what abyss will I plunge myself if I am separated from your Will?" While I was saying this, blessed Jesus moved in my interior, and through a light that He sent me, He seemed to say to me: "You never understand anything – this state is state of victim. When they offered you as victim for Corato, you accepted. Now, what is the evil present in Corato? Is there perhaps not rebellion of the creature against the Creator, between priests and secular, and among parties? Now, your unwanted state of rebellion, your fear, your pains, are an expiatory state, and this state of expiation I Myself suffered in Gethsemani, as I reached the point of saying: ‘If it is possible, let this chalice pass from Me; yet, not my will but Yours be done’ — while I had so much yearned for it during the whole course of my life, to the point of feeling consumed."
On hearing this, it seemed I regained tranquillity and strength, and I prayed Him to pour His bitternesses into me. I drew close to His mouth, but as much as I sucked up, nothing would come out; only a most bitter breath that embittered my whole interior. So, seeing that He was not pouring anything, I said: “Lord, You don’t love me any more; bitternesses You do not want to pour – pour Your sweetnesses at least.’ And He: "Quite the opposite, I love you more; and if you were able to enter into My Interior, you would see with clarity, in all of My parts, distinct Love toward you. Sometimes I love you so much that I reach the point of loving you as much as I love Myself, although some other times I cannot look at you and you are nauseating to Me." What a thunderbolt these last words were for my poor heart! To think that I was not always loved by my loving Jesus, and that I reached the point of being an abominable soul... Had He not Himself run to explain to me the meaning of this, I could not have survived. So He added: "Poor daughter, is this very hard for you? You have encountered My same lot. I was always Who I was, one with the Sacrosanct Trinity, and We loved One Another with eternal, indissoluble Love. Yet, as Victim, covered with all the iniquities of men, My exterior was abominable before the Divinity, so much so, that Divine Justice spared no part of Me, rendering Itself inexorable to the point of abandoning Me. You are always who you are with Me, but since you occupy the state of victim, your exterior appears before Divine Justice as covered with the sins of others. This is why I spoke those words to you. You, however, calm yourself, because I love you always." Having said this, He disappeared. It seems that this time blessed Jesus wants to make me upset, though He immediately gives me peace. May He be always blessed and thanked.
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 30, 1908 Volume 8
I was meditating on the mystery of His infancy, and I said to myself: “My Baby, to how many pains You wanted to subject Yourself! It was not enough for You to come as an adult – You wanted to come as a baby, and suffer from the swaddling clothes, from silence, from the immobility of Your little Humanity, of Your feet, of Your hands... Why all this?”
While I was saying this, He moved in my interior and told me: "My daughter, My Works are Perfect. I wanted to come as a little Infant in order to Divinize all the sacrifices and all the little actions of infancy. So, until children begin to commit sins, everything remains absorbed in My Childhood, and Divinized by Me. When sin then begins, separation begins between Me and the creature — a separation which is sorrowful for Me, and mournful for them."
And I: “How can this be, if babies do not have reason, and are not capable of deserving?” And He: "First, because I give merit by My Grace; second, because it is not out of their will that they do not want to deserve, but because such is the state of infancy disposed by Me. Besides, a gardener who has planted a plant is not only honored, but he also picks the fruit of it, even though the plant does not have reason; the same for an artisan who makes a statue, and for many other things. Sin alone is that which destroys everything and separates the creature from Me; but everything else, even the most trivial action, comes to the creatures from Me, and to Me it returns, with the mark of the honor of My Creation."
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 29, 1923 Volume 16
… Afterwards, I received Holy Communion, and according to my usual way, I was calling all created things, placing them around Jesus, so that all might surround Him like a crown and give the return of love and of homage to their Creator. They all ran at my call, and I could see in clear notes all the love of my Jesus for me, in all created things. Jesus waited in my heart, with great Tenderness of Love, for the return of so much love; and I, flying over all and embracing all, brought myself to the feet of Jesus, and said: “My Love, my Jesus, You have created everything for me, and gave it to me as a Gift; therefore everything is mine, and I give it to You to love You. So I say to You, ‘ I love You’ in every drop of light of the sun; ‘I love You’ in the flickering of the stars; ‘I love You’ in every drop of water. Your Will allows me to see Your ‘I love you’ for me even in the depths of the ocean, and I impress my ‘I love You’ for You, in every fish that darts in the sea. I want to impress my ‘I love You’ in the flight of every bird – ‘I love You’ everywhere, my Love. I want to impress my ‘I love You’ on the wings of the wind, in the moving of the leaves, in every spark of fire – ‘I love You’ for myself and for all...”
The whole Creation was with me saying "I love You", but when I wanted to embrace all human generations in the Eternal Volition, to make all prostrate before Jesus, so that all might fulfill their duty of saying "I love You, Jesus" in each one of their acts, words and thoughts, they escaped me, and I got lost and didn’t know how to do it. I said this to Jesus, and He: "Yet, My daughter, the living in My Will is exactly this: to bring the whole of Creation before Me, and in the name of all, give Me the return of their duties. No one must escape you, otherwise My Will would find voids in Creation, and would not be satisfied. But do you know why you do not find all, and many escape you? It is the power of free will. However, I want to teach you a secret — where to find them all: enter into My Humanity and you will find all of their acts as though held in custody; for these I took on the commitment to satisfy before My Celestial Father on their behalf. Go and follow all My Acts, which were the acts of all; in this way you will find everything, and you will give Me return of Love for everyone and for everything. Everything is in Me; since I did everything for all, in Me is the deposit of all; I render to the Divine Father the duty of love for all, and whoever wants it, can use it as way and means to ascend to Heaven."
I entered into Jesus, and I easily found everything and everyone. And following the works of Jesus, I said: “I love You in every thought of creature; I love You in the flight of every gaze; I love You in the sound of every word; I love You in every heartbeat, breath and affection; I love You in every drop of blood, in every work and step, ...”
But who can tell all that I did and said? Many things one is not able to say; even more, what one says, is said very badly, compared to the way it is said when one is together with Jesus... So, saying "I love You," I found myself inside myself.
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 28, 1917 Volume 12
Continuing in my usual state and being a little in suffering, I thought to myself: “How is it that I cannot find rest, either at night or during the day; rather, the weaker and the more suffering I feel, the more my mind is awake and unable to take rest.” And my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, you do not know the reason, but I do; and now I will tell you. My Humanity had no rest; even in sleep I had no respite, but I worked intensively; and this, because having to give life to everyone and everything, and redo everything within Me, it was convenient for Me to work without stopping for one instant; and one who has to give life, must be in continuous motion and uninterrupted act. Therefore, I was in continuous Act of letting lives of creatures out of Myself, and of receiving them. Had I wanted to rest, how many lives would not be delivered? How many, without My continuous Act, would not develop and would remain withered? How many would not enter into Me, because the act of Life of the only One who can give life, is missing?
“Now, My daughter, since I want you together with Me in My Will, I want your continuous act. Therefore, your awake mind is act, the murmuring of your prayer is act, the movements of your hands, the beating of your heart, the moving of your glances, are acts. They may be small, but what do I care? As long as there is the motion, the seed, I unite them to Mine, I make them great, and I give them the virtue of producing lives.
“My Acts too were not all apparently great, especially when, as a little one, I moaned and suckled milk from My Mama, I amused Myself in kissing her, caressing her, entangling My little hands with hers. Then, when I was a little older, I picked flowers, I brought the water, and other things. These were all little acts, but they were united in My Will, in My Divinity – and this was enough.
“They were so great as to be able to create millions and billions of lives. Therefore, as I was moaning, lives of creatures were coming out from My moans; I suckled, I kissed, I caressed, but lives were coming out. Souls were flowing in My fingers entangled with the hands of My Mama; and as I picked the flowers and brought the water, souls were coming out from the heartbeat of My uncreated Heart, and they entered into It. My motion was continuous.
“This is the reason for your vigil. When I see your motion and your acts in My Will – now placing themselves at My side, now flowing in My hands, now in My voice, in My mind or in My Heart – I make of them the motion of all, and I give life to each one in My Will, giving them the virtue of My own acts; and I make them run for the salvation and for the good of all.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 27, 1908 Volume 8
I was meditating on when the Queen Mama would give Her milk to Baby Jesus. I was saying to myself: “What must have passed between the Most Holy Mama and little Jesus in this act?” At that moment, I felt Him move in my interior, and I heard Him say to me: "My daughter, when I suckled milk from the breast of My most sweet Mother, together with milk I suckled the love of Her Heart – and it was more love than milk that I suckled. While suckling, I would hear Her say to Me: ‘I love You, I love You, O Son’; and I would repeat to Her: ‘I love You, I love You, O Mama.’ And I was not alone in this; at my ‘I love You,’ the Father, the Holy Spirit and the whole of Creation — the Angels, the Saints, the stars, the sun, the drops of water, the plants, the flowers, the grains of sand, all of the elements, would run after my ‘I love You,’ and repeat: ‘We love You, we love You, O Mother of our God, in the love of our Creator.’
“My Mother could see all this, and would remained inundated. She could find not even a tiny space in which She would not hear Me say that I loved Her. Her love would remain behind and almost alone, and She would repeat: ‘I love You, I love You...’ But She could never match Me, because the love of a creature has its limits, its time, while My Love is uncreated, unending, eternal. The same happens to any soul when she says to me, ‘I love You’; I too repeat to her, ‘I love you,’ and with Me is the whole Creation, loving her in My Love. Oh, if creatures comprehended what good and honor they procure for themselves even by just saying to Me: ‘I love You’! This alone would be enough – a God beside them who, honoring them, replies: ‘I love you too.’"
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 26, 1900 Volume 4
As I continued to see the Holy Baby, I saw the Queen Mother on one side and Saint Joseph on the other, adoring the Divine Infant profoundly. Being all intent on Him, it seemed to me that the Continuous Presence of the Little Baby kept them engrossed in continuous ecstasy; and if they could work, it was a prodigy that the Lord operated in them; otherwise they would have remained motionless, unable to attend to their external duties. I too did my adoration, and then I found myself inside myself.
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 25, 1920 Volume 12
… Afterwards, my sweet Jesus came back. He was a tender Little Baby, wailing, crying and shivering with cold. He threw Himself into my arms to be warmed. I squeezed Him so very tightly to myself, and according to my usual way, I fused myself in His Will in order to find the thoughts of all with mine, and surround shivering Jesus with adorations from all created intellects; in order to find the gazes of all, and make all look at Jesus and distract Him from crying; in order to find the mouths, the words, the voices of all creatures, that all might kiss Him so as not to make Him wail, and might warm Him with their breath. While I was doing this, the Infant Jesus stopped wailing and crying and, as though warmed, He told me: “My daughter, did you see what made Me shiver, cry and wail? The abandonment of creatures. You placed them all around Me; I felt I was being watched and kissed by all, so I stopped crying.
“However, know that My Sacramental lot is even harder than my lot as an Infant. Though cold, the grotto was spacious, and had air to breathe; the Host too is cold, but so small that I almost lack air. In the grotto I had a manger with a little hay for bed; in My Sacramental Life, I don’t even have hay, and I have nothing but hard and ice cold metals for bed. In the grotto I had My dear Mama who took Me very often with her most pure hands, covered Me with ardent kisses in order to warm Me, soothed my crying, and nourished Me with her most sweet milk. In My Sacramental Life it is all the opposite: I do not have a Mama; if they take Me, I feel the touch of unworthy hands which smell like earth and muck. Oh! How I feel their stench – more than the manure I smelled in the grotto. Instead of covering Me with kisses, they touch Me with irreverent acts; instead of milk, they give Me the bile of sacrileges, of indifference, and of coldness. In the grotto, Saint Joseph never left Me without the light of a little lantern at night. Here in the Sacrament, how many times I remain in the dark also at night! Oh, how much more painful is My Sacramental lot! How many hidden tears, not seen by anyone. How many wails not listened to. If my lot as an Infant moved you to pity, much more should My Sacramental lot move you to pity.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 24, 1924 Volume 17
… After this, at night, I was thinking of the act in which the sweet Little Baby came out of the Maternal womb, to be born into our midst. My poor mind wandered within a mystery so profound and all Love. And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, stretched out His little hands to embrace me, and said to me: “My daughter, the act of My Birth was the most solemn act of all creation. Heaven and earth felt plunged into the most profound adoration, at the sight of My little Humanity, which kept My Divinity as though enclosed within walls. So, in the act of My Birth, there was an act of silence and of profound adoration and prayer. My Mama prayed, enraptured by the Power of the Prodigy which was coming out from Her. Saint Joseph prayed; the Angels prayed, and the whole of creation felt the strength of the Love of My Creative Power as being renewed upon itself. All felt honored and received true honor, for the One who had created them was going to use them for all that was needed by His Humanity. The sun felt honored, in having to give Its light and heat to its Creator, recognizing the One who had created it – its True Lord; and it made feast and paid Him honor by giving Him its light. The earth felt honored, when it felt Me lying in a manger; it felt touched by My tender limbs, and rejoiced with gladness with prodigious signs. All creation, all created beings, saw their True King and Lord within their midst; and feeling honored, each one wanted to perform its office for Me: the water wanted to quench My thirst; the birds, with their trills and warblings, wanted to cheer Me; the wind wanted to caress Me; the air wanted to kiss Me – each one wanted to pay Me its innocent tribute.
“Only men, ungrateful, even though all felt something unusual within themselves – a joy, a strong power – were reluctant, and suffocating everything, did not move. Although I called them with tears, with moans and sobs, they did not move, except for a few shepherds. Yet, it was for man that I was coming upon earth! I was coming to give Myself to him, to save him, and to bring him back to My Celestial Fatherland. Therefore, I was all eyes to see whether he would come before Me in order to receive the great Gift of My Divine and human Life. So, the Incarnation was nothing but giving Myself at the mercy of the creature. In the Incarnation I gave Myself at the mercy of My dear Mama; when I was born, Saint Joseph too added, to whom I gave the gift of My Life. And since My Works are eternal and are not subject to end, this Divinity, this Word who descended upon earth, never withdrew from the earth, in order to have the opportunity to give Himself continuously to all creatures. As long as I lived, I gave Myself in an unveiled manner; and then, a few hours before dying, I made the Great Prodigy of leaving Myself in the Sacrament, so that, whoever wanted Me, could receive the great Gift of My Life. I paid no attention either to the offenses they would give to Me, or to the refusals to receive Me. I said to Myself: ‘I have given Myself; I do not want to withdraw, ever again. Let them do to Me whatever they want – I will always belong to them, and be at their disposal.’
“Daughter, this is the nature of True Love; this is to work as God: firmness, and not to withdraw at the cost of any sacrifice. This firmness in My Works is My Victory – the greatest one of My Glory; and this is the sign to know whether the creature works for God: firmness. The soul looks to no one in the face – neither to pains, nor to herself, nor to self-esteem, nor to creatures. Even though it may cost her own life, she looks only at God, for love of Whom she set herself to work; and she feels victorious in offering the sacrifice of her life for love of Him.
“Not being firm is of the human nature and of the human way of working. Not being firm is the work of passions, and with passion. Mutability is weakness, it is cowardice, and it is not of the nature of True Love. Therefore, firmness must be the guide in working for Me. So, in My Works I never change: whatever the events may be, when a work is done once, it is done forever.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 23, 1921 Volume 13
… Then, after this, I was about to close my eyes to sleep, and I said to myself: “My sleep too in Your Will. Even more, may my breath be transformed into Yours, so that all that Jesus did while sleeping, I may do as well. But then, did my Jesus really sleep?” And Jesus came back and added: "My daughter, My sleep was extremely brief, but I did sleep. However, I did not sleep for Myself, but for creatures. As the Head, I represented the whole human family, and I had to lay My Humanity over all in order to give them rest. I could see all creatures covered with a mantle of disturbance, of struggles, of restlessness — some were falling into sin and remained saddened; some were dominated by tyrannical passions which they wanted to conquer, and remained disturbed; some wanted to do good and struggled in order to do it.... In sum, there was no peace, because true peace is possessed when the will of the creature returns into the Will of its Creator, from which it came. Outside of the center, shifted from the origin, there is no peace. Therefore, while sleeping, My Humanity laid Itself over all, wrapping them as though within a mantle, just like the hen, when it calls its chicks under its maternal wings to make them sleep. In the same way, extending over all, I called all of My children under My wings, to give to some forgiveness of sin, to some victory over passions, to some strength in the fight; to give peace and rest to all. And in order not to strike fear in them, but to give them courage, I did this while sleeping. Who would fear someone who is sleeping?
“Now the world has not changed; rather, it is amid struggles more than ever, and therefore I want someone who sleeps in My Will, so as to repeat the effects of the sleep of my Humanity." Then, with an afflicted tone, He repeated: "And My other children — where are they? Why don’t they all come to Me, to receive rest and peace? Let us call them, let us call them together." And it seemed that Jesus would call them by name — one by one. But few were those who came.
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 22, 1904 Volume 6
As I was in my usual state, I saw little Baby Jesus with a fistful of light in His hand, and rays flowing out through His fingers. I remained enchanted, and He told me: “My daughter, perfection is light, and one who says he wants to reach it acts just like one who would want to clasp a body of light in his hand: as he tries to clasp it, the light itself flows out through his fingers; except, his hand remains immersed in that light. Now, the light is God, and God alone is perfect, and the soul who wants to be perfect does nothing but seize shadows — the little drops of God; and sometimes she does nothing but live in the light alone, that is, in the Truth. And just as the light penetrates deeper and occupies more space the greater the void it finds, and the deeper the place is — in the same way, the more the soul is empty and humble, the more the Divine Light fills her and communicates Its Graces and Perfections to her.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 21, 1930 Volume 28
My flight in the Divine Volition continues; it seems to me that I call It, because Life would be missing in me without It. The Life of Good, the Life of Love, the Life of the Light, the Life of Peace, would be missing in me; and my human will, seeing itself alone, would assault me and would give life to my passions in me. This is why I fear so much that even for just one instant it may remain without the Fiat operating in me, because, It being present, my will remains crouched down and does not dare to move before a Will so Holy and so Powerful. Therefore I call It, and It gives me Its hand to take me into Its Acts, that I may follow It and keep It company. And since It created everything for love of creatures, when It feels her close and identified, It takes such delight, that It feels as though repaid for the many things It issued from Its Creative Hands.
So, while I was following the acts of the Divine Will done in Creation, my sweet Jesus, making Himself seen and looking at me, told me: “My daughter, how sweet it is for Me to look at a soul who lets herself be worked by My Divine Will. A triumph takes place from one side to the other: My Will invests the intelligence of the creature, and she lets herself be invested. In sum, they form an accord on both sides; and then My Will forms Its triumph over each thought of the creature, and she acquires and makes a triumph of the many Divine thoughts within her mind. So, My Divine Will triumphs by giving and taking possession of it; the soul triumphs by wanting it and receiving it. So, if she looks, if she speaks, if she palpitates, if she operates and walks, those are all triumphs of My Will over the creature; and she triumphs and takes possession of many Divine Acts. Amid these exchanges of triumphs and possessions, such joy and happiness is formed on both sides, that you cannot comprehend them all. In fact, you must know that when good, the triumph, the possession, is done between two—then does it bring joy and happiness. Isolated good has made no one happy; as it sees itself alone, it loses all the beauty of happiness. Therefore My Divine Will keeps searching for Its creature in order to form Its Triumphs, to be able to form, together with her, Its Joys, Its Happinesses, on the face of the earth.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 20, 1936 Volume 34
[Jesus speaking]
“… you must know that even from the first instant of the Life of this Celestial Creature, so much was Our Love that We provided Her with a Dowry of all Our Divine Qualities such that She held as Dowry Our Power, Wisdom, Love, Goodness, Light, Beauty, and all the rest of Our Divine Qualities. Already for all creatures, in placing them to the light of day, We give the Dowry. No one is born if he is not provided with a Dowry by his Creator. But since they broke away from Our Will, one can say that they do not even know It. On the other hand, this Holy Virgin never broke away, She made Perennial Life in the Interminable Seas of Our Fiat, therefore She grew together with Our Attributes. And as She formed Her Acts in Our Divine Qualities, so She formed Seas of Power, of Wisdom, of Light, and others.
“We can say that Living with Our Science We give Her continuous Lessons on who Her Creator was. She grew in Our Knowledges, and She knew so much about the Supreme Being, that not one Angel or Saint could reach Her. Rather, they are all ignorant before Her, because no one grew and Lived together with Us. She entered into Our Divine Secrets, into the most Intimate hiding places of Our Divine Being without beginning or end, into Our Joys and Everlasting Beatitudes. And with Our Power that She held in Her Power, She dominated Us and lorded over Us, and We let Her do it. Rather, We enjoyed Her lording over Us, and in order to render Her Happier, We gave Her Our Chaste Embraces, Our Smiles of Love, Our Condescesions, telling her: ‘Do what you want.’ …”
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 19, 1926 Volume 20
“… And so, this is the reason why My Supreme Will calls you—awaits you in each created thing, to make known to you the Riches that are in It, to make you repeat Its Divine Acts together with It, and to give you the right of possession. You yourself become Its own property; you remain dissolved within Its immense Riches and within Its very Acts, and—oh! how the Divine Fiat enjoys making you the owner of Its immense Riches. Its desire of constituting Its heiresses is so great, that It feels twice as happy when It sees one who knows Its possessions and makes Its Divine Act her own; so much so, that even though It saw that man, by withdrawing from Its Will, lost his way to reach the possession of Its Dominions, It did not stop, but in the excess of Its Love and of Its long sorrow of seeing Its Riches inactive for the good of creatures, as soon as the Eternal Word clothed Himself with human flesh, It constituted Itself life of each of His Acts, so as to form more Goods for them, powerful Aids and effective Remedies, more within the reach of decayed humanity, so as to realize the Purpose of making them possess what was issued in Creation.
“There is nothing that comes from Us, that does not have this purpose—that the creature and everything return into Our Will. If it were not so, We would render Ourselves extraneous to Our own works. So, Creation, Redemption, My daughter, have the primary Purpose that everything be Our Will, in Heaven and on earth; therefore, It flows everywhere, It is present in every place, to make everything Its own, and to give everything that belongs to It. Therefore, be attentive in following Our Works; satisfy this Desire, so insistent, of My Supreme Will, that wants those who possess Its Goods.”
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 18, 1933 Volume 33
My poor mind continues to cross the Infinite Sea of the Fiat. And for however much one walks, one never finishes. In this Sea the soul feels her God who fills her even to the brim, completely, with His Divine Being in a way that she can say: “God has given me all of Himself, and if He has not given me His Immensity to enclose in myself, it is because I am little.”
Now in this Sea one finds in act the Order, the Harmony, the Ancient Mysteries of how God has Created man, and O! the Prodigies are unheard of, the Love is exuberant, the Majesty is insuperable. There is so much of the mysterious, that neither man himself, nor the sciences, can retell about the formation of man with clarity.
So I remained surprised by the magnificence and prerogatives the human nature possesses, and my beloved Jesus, in seeing me so surprised, told me: “My blessed daughter, your marvel will cease if, looking well into this Sea of My Volition, you see where, who, how, and when every creature was formed. Therefore: Where? In the Eternal Womb of God. Who? God Himself gave them Origin. How? The Supreme Being Himself formed the series of his thoughts, the number of his words, the order of his works, the motion of his steps, and the continuous heartbeat of his heart. In fact, God gave them such Beauty, Order, and Harmony, as to be able to find Himself in the creature with such Fullness that he would not be able to find the place to put anything of his, that was not placed in him by God. We, in looking at him, remained enraptured in seeing that in the little human circle Our Power had enclosed Our Divine Work. And in Our emphasis of Love We told him: ‘How very beautiful you are; you are Our Work, you will be Our Glory, the outlet of Our Love, the Reflection of Our Wisdom, the Echo of Our Power, the Bearer of Our Eternal Love.’ And We Loved him with Eternal Love, without beginning and without end. And when was this creature formed in Us? Ab eterno (from Eternity), therefore he did not exist in time, but in Eternity he always existed, he had his place in Us, his Palpitating Life, the Love of his Creator.
“In fact, the creature has always been for Us Our Ideal, the little space for where to develop Our Creative Work, the support of Our Life, the vent of Our Eternal Love. This is why humans do not understand so many things; they don’t know how to explain them because it is the Operation of the Divine Incomprehensibility, they are Our Ancient Celestial Mysteries, Our Divine Fibers, in which only We know the Mysterious Secrets, the keys that We must touch when We want to do New and Unusual Things in the creature. And since they do not know Our Secrets, nor can they understand Our Incomprehensible Ways that We have placed in the human nature, they arrive at judging by their ways, and they do not know how to explain what We Operate in the creature, while he is obliged to bow his forehead before what he does not understand. …”
Divine Will for every day of the year - December 17, 1903 Volume 6
Continuing in my usual state, for a few instants a saw blessed Jesus with the Cross on His shoulders, in the act of encountering His Most Holy Mother; and I said to Him: “Lord, what did Your Mother do in this most sorrowful encounter?”
And He: “My daughter, She did nothing but a most profound and simple act of adoration. And since the simpler the act, the more easily it unites with God, Most Simple Spirit, in this act She infused Herself in Me and continued what I Myself was doing in My interior. This was immensely pleasing to Me, more than if She had done any other greater thing. In fact, the true spirit of adoration consists in this: the creature dissolves herself and finds herself in the Divine Sphere; she adores all that God does, and she unites with Him. Do you think that when the mouth adores but the mind is somewhere else, it is true adoration? That is, the mind adores but the will is far away from Me? Or, one power adores Me, and the others are all disordered? No, I want everything for Myself, and everything I have given her, in Me. This is the greatest act of cult, of adoration, that the creature can do for Me.”