Divine Will for every day of the year - April 16, 1926 Volume 24

I was thinking about the Holy Divine Volition, and a thousand thoughts wandered through my head: how can Its Kingdom come? How will creatures be able to receive a good so great, and rise so high as to enter into that Fiat from which Creation came out?

But while I was thinking of this and other things, my Beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, My Will has the virtue of purifying, clearing up, embellishing and changing nature itself. The human will is like a seed that is rotten inside, while on the outside it appears to be good. The clothing that covers the seed seems to be in good conditions, but if the clothing is removed, one finds that the seed is, in some half-putrefied, in some empty. Others, then, while the seed possesses life, do not expose it to the sun or to the wind, and so it will end up rotting completely. But if it is exposed to the sun and to the wind, through light, heat and wind, they will rip the rotten part off, they will purify it, and give it new life.

“Such is the human will—a rotten seed, full of smoke, of rot, and half putrefied. However, not all seeds are completely dead—some have a thread of life; and if these seeds that possess this thread of life are exposed to the Sun of My Divine Will, Its light, Its heat and Its penetrating and ruling wind will invest the seed of the human will, and the light and heat will clear up the seed, removing what is rotten. They will fill it with life, and the ruling wind of My Fiat will play with it, raising it so high as to enclose it in that Fiat from which it came out; and with Its virtue, It will change the nature of the seed, giving it its original life. Everything is in exposing oneself to the Sun of My Will and to the burning and refulgent rays of Its knowledges, letting oneself be invested by them, caressed by Its light, warmed by Its heat, carried by the empire of Its wind, so that the Kingdom of My Will may come upon earth.

“See, these prerogatives are present also in the natural order. If one feels a heavy and oppressive air, a wind is enough to empty the air of that weight and to breathe it as pure air. If one feels an excessive heat or a numbing cold, a wind is enough to mitigate that heat, and another wind to mitigate that cold. If thick clouds cover the horizon, the wind and the sun are enough to dispel the clouds and make the azure sky reappear more beautiful. If a field is about to rot because of continuous waters, a strong wind is enough to dry it, and the light and heat of the sun are enough to revive it again.

“If nature can do this, animated by the power of My Will, more so can My Will do it over souls who let themselves be invested by It. With Its heat, My Will will mold them anew, It will destroy what is rotten in them; and breathing over them, with Its light It will empty them of the weight of the human will, giving them their original nature.

“When Adam sinned, corrupting the seed of his will, if My Will had not withdrawn from him, Its light and heat could have restored him immediately; but justice demanded that he feel the effects of his corrupted seed, and therefore, as My Will withdrew, he felt no more light or heat in his soul so as to be able to be restored, to maintain the seed of his will incorrupt. Isn’t this perhaps the Kingdom of My Will—Its yearning to return once again into the midst of creatures and, more than sun, remove the corruption from their seeds, to be able to reign and dominate in the midst of the human family?”