Divine Will for every day of the year - April 23, 1925 Volume 17

I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Will according to my usual way, and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: "My daughter, come into the immensity of My Will. All Heaven and all things created by Me, which live and receive continuous life from My Will, in which they find their complete glory, their full happiness and their perfect beauty, anxiously await the kiss of the pilgrim soul who lives in the same Will in which they live, to give her their kiss in return, and to place in common with her the glory, the happiness, the beauty which they possess, so that their number may be increased by another creature who would render Me complete glory, for as much as it is possible to a creature, and who would make Me look at the earth with the Love with which I created it, since on earth there is a creature who operates and lives in My Will. Since Heaven knows that nothing glorifies Me as much as a soul who lives in My Will, they too long for My Will to live in the souls upon earth. Therefore, every act the creature does in My Will is a kiss that she gives and receives from the One who created her, and from all the blessed.

“But do you know what this kiss is? It is the transformation of the soul with her Creator; it is the possession of God within the soul, and of the soul in God; it is the growth of the Divine Life in the soul; it is the accord of the whole of Heaven, and it is the right of supremacy over all created things. The soul, purged by My Will through the omnipotent breath which We, her God, infused in her, no longer produces the nausea of the human will, and so God continues to breathe upon her with His omnipotent breath, so that she may grow with that Will with which He created her. On the other hand, the soul who has not yet been purged, feels the attraction of her own will, and so she acts against the Will of God, doing her own. God cannot approach her to breathe on her again, feeling repugnance, until the soul gives all of herself to the exercise and the fulfillment of the Divine Will.

“Therefore, you must know that, in creating man, God infused Life in him with His breath; and in this Life He infused in him an intelligence, a memory and a will, to place them in relation with His Divine Will. This Divine Will was to be like a King; It was to dominate all of the interior of the creature, and to give Life to all, in such a way as to form the intelligence and the memory wanted by the Supreme Will in her. Once this was formed, it was as though natural for the eye of the creature to look at created things, and to know their order and the Will of God over the whole universe. The hearing was to hear the Prodigies of this Eternal Will. The mouth, which was to feel the continuous Breath of its Creator, communicating to it the Life and the goods contained in His Will, was to echo that Eternal FIAT with its word, to narrate what "Will of God" means. The hands were to be the expression of the Works of this Supreme Will. The feet were to do nothing but follow, step by step, the Steps of their Creator. So, once the Divine Will is established in the will of the creature, she has the eyes, the hearing, the mouth, the hands, the feet, of My Will. She never departs from the Origin from which she came; and so she remains always in My arms, and it is easy for her to feel My breath, and for Me to breathe upon her.

“Now, this is exactly what I want from the creature: that she let My Will reign in hers, and that her will serve as the dwelling of My Will, so that the Divine Will may place in her the Celestial Goods It contains. This is what I want from you, so that all your acts, sealed by My Will, may form one single act; and uniting to the single Act of My Will which has no multiplicity or mutation of acts — as it happens in man — your acts may remain in that Eternal Origin, in order to copy your Creator within you, and to give Him the Glory and the contentment that His Will be done in you as It is in Heaven."

Luisa Piccarreta was born 158 years ago today.