… And my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, making me a surprise, told me: “My daughter, when the soul practices a virtue, the first act she practices forms the seed, and as she practices the second, the third act and so forth, she cultivates the seed, she waters it, and it grows into a plant and produces its fruits. If then she practices it only once, or a few times, the seed is neither watered nor cultivated—it dies, and the soul remains without plant and without fruit, because it is never one act alone that forms a virtue, but repeated acts.
“It happens as to the earth: it is not enough to sow the seed in its womb, but one must cultivate it often, water it, if one wants the plant and the fruits of that seed; otherwise the earth becomes hard over that seed and buries it without giving it life. Now, one who wants the virtue of patience, of obedience and the like, must sow the first seed, and then water it and cultivate it with other acts. In this way, she will form many beautiful and varied plants within her soul.
“On the other hand, My Will is not seed like the virtues—but Life; and as the soul begins to be resigned, to look at My Will in everything and to live in It, the little Divine Life is formed in her. And as she advances in the practice of living in My Will, this Divine Life grows and keeps expanding, to the point of filling the soul with all of this life, in such a way that nothing is left of her but a veil that covers it and hides it within itself. And just as with virtues, so with My Will: if the creature does not give the continuous nourishment of her acts to the little Divine Life within herself, this life does not grow, and does not fill her entirely.
“It happens as to a newborn baby who dies at birth if he is not nourished. In fact, since My Will is life, more than the virtues, that are images of the plants, It needs continuous nourishment in order to grow and to become a whole life, as much as a creature is capable of. Here is, then, the necessity for you to always live in It: that you may take Its delicious food from My Will Itself, so as to nourish Its Divine Life in you.
“See, then, what great difference exists between the virtues and My Will: the first are plants, flowers and fruits that embellish the earth and delight the creatures, while My Fiat is heaven, sun, air, heat, heartbeat—all things that form life, and Divine Life, in the creature. Therefore, love this Life, and give it continuous nourishment, that it may fill you completely and nothing may be left of you.”