“…Therefore Living in My Will is not the property of the creature, nor is It in her power, but It is a Gift; and I make It when I want, to whom I want, and in the times that I want. It is Gift of Heaven made by Our Great Magnanimity, and by Our Inextinguishable Love. Now with this Gift the human family will feel itself so bound with its Creator, that it will not feel far away from Him anymore, but so near, as if it would be of His same family, and would Live together in His same Royal Palace. With this Gift it will feel so rich, that it will not feel the miseries, the weaknesses, the tumultuous passions anymore, but everything will be Strength, Peace, Abundance of Grace. And recognizing the Gift, it will say: ‘Nothing is lacking to me in the House of my Celestial Father, I have everything at my disposition, always in virtue of the Gift that I have received.’
“We always give the Gifts as effect of Our Great Love and Our Greatest Magnanimity. If this were not so, or We wanted to care if the creature merited It or not, if he had made some sacrifices, then It would not have been a gift anymore, but payment, and Our Gift would be rendered as right and slave of the creature, while We, and Our Gifts, are not slaves of anyone. In fact, man did not yet exist, and before he was, We already Created the sky, the sun, the wind, the sea, the flowered earth, and all the rest, in order to make a Gift of it to man. What had he done in order to merit Gifts so Great and Perennial? Nothing. And in the act of Creating him, We gave him the Great Gift that was superior to all the others: Our Omnipotent Fiat. And although he rejected It, still We did not forsake giving It anymore, no, but We kept It reserved in order to give It to his children, the same Gift that was rejected by their father. This Gift was given in the excess of Our Love that is so much, that it doesn’t know how to make, nor care about, the accounts, while the payment that it gives, if the creature does good works and sacrifices himself, it gives with just measure and according to what he merits. Not so with the Gift. Therefore, for one who will be able to doubt, it means that he does not understand about Our Divine Being, nor about Our Liberality, nor where Our Love can reach. Nevertheless, We want the correspondence of the creature, his gratitude and his little love.”