Divine Will for every day of the year - April 9, 1932 Volume 30

My abandonment in the Divine Volition continues. I feel like the little girl who, sip by sip, is nourished with this Celestial food that produces in my soul Strength, Light, indescribable Sweetness. And then, each Truth that my beloved Jesus manifests to His little newborn is one of the most touching and delightful scenes, and of the most beautiful, that He places in my mind as Bearer of the Beatitude of the Celestial Fatherland.

So, I was feeling immersed in the so many Truths of the Supreme Fiat, and my always Lovable Jesus, visiting His little girl, told me: “My little daughter of My Volition, you must know that if Our Supreme Being gave to the creature all the heavens, the sun, the earth, the sea, He would not give as much as when He communicates the Truths on the Divine Will. In fact, all other things would remain outside of the creatures, while the Truth penetrates into the inmost fibers of her soul; and I keep molding the heartbeats, the affections, the desires, the intellect, the memory, the will, to Transform her completely into the Life of the Truth. And as I go on molding her, I keep repeating the Prodigies of the Creation of Man, and by the touch of My Hands I destroy the seeds of evil, and I make the Seeds of the New Life Rise Again. The creature feels My Touch and, as I keep molding her, the New Life is then given to her again. On the other hand, the heavens, the sun, the sea, do not have the Transforming Virtue of making of the creature a heaven, a sun, a sea—all the Good is limited to the outside, and nothing more. See, then, how many Goods are enclosed in My having Manifested to you so many Truths? Therefore, be attentive in corresponding to a Good so Great.”