Divine Will for every day of the year - December 30, 1927 Volume 23

… And Jesus, coming back, clasped me tightly in His arms to strengthen me, and added: “My daughter, if I wanted to work for a whole eternity in order to manifest a single Knowledge on My Divine Will, it would not be enough. In fact, the value of a single one of them is such and so Great, that if you wanted to make a comparison to see what contains more value—whether the starry heavens, or the sun, the sea, the earth—one single Knowledge of Mine has more Value than the whole Creation together. In fact, My Knowledge is of Immense Value, infinite and without limit; and as it comes out of Us, wherever it reaches, it Generates and multiplies to infinity the good and the light it contains. It is the True Regenerator of the Divine Life.

“On the other hand, the Creation does not contain an immense virtue, and It is limited. This is why I spare neither work nor sacrifices—because I know all the Value it contains; and the place in which I deposit it becomes for Me My Divine Field, My Throne, My Altar; and My jealousy of Love is so great, that I never leave her free, and I work always, to keep her all intent on Me. What to say, then, if instead of one single manifestation on My Will, they are so many as to impearl her, as more than a heaven, with many Suns of My Will? Think about it yourself, My daughter, and appreciate a Good so Great, a seed so fecund in the field of your soul.” …