Divine Will for every day of the year - February 11, 1927 Volume 20

As I was in my usual state, my adorable Jesus made me see many strings in my interior — one close to the other, starting from a sphere, which was in the middle of these strings. Under this sphere there was empty space, and in that empty space there was my sweet Jesus who, very often, touched those strings and played, but in such a harmonious and beautiful way, that it cannot be described. Then, after He played His little sonata, He said: “My daughter, these strings are the symbol of the soul in whom My Will Reigns. I Myself delight in forming them and arranging them all in order. Look at how beautiful they are – each string has its distinct color, invested with light, in such a way that, all together, they form the most beautiful rainbow, all dazzling with light. But do you want to know why each string has its distinct color? Because each one of them symbolizes one of My Divine Qualities – that is, My attributes. So, I placed everything in order – the string of Love, the string of Goodness, the string of Power, of Mercy, of Strength, of Wisdom, of Purity — in sum, everything; I have not excluded even the string of Justice. So, when I want to love and be loved, I touch the string of Love. Oh! How sweet is its sound – soft, penetrating, delightful, such as to shake Heaven and earth, investing the most intimate fibers of all the beings in whom My Will Reigns. And I Love, and am loved, because its sound draws and enraptures everyone to love Me; and I Myself, enraptured by My own Love, Love and release oceans of Love.

“This sound is so melodious as to make Me tolerate everything, and bear the great evils of the poor world. This sound makes Me pass to touch the string of Goodness; and this sound draws the attention of all to receive the good that My Goodness wants to release and give to creatures. Speaking voices can be heard in this sound; it makes all sounds stand at attention – sounds of surprise, of admiration, in hearing, in this sound of voices, the goods which I want to give. This sound, while making Me release My Goods, disposes the creatures to receive them. Therefore, each time I want one of My attributes to exercise its office, I touch the string that belongs to it, and I place it in attitude. But do you know why I have arranged all these strings in you? Because wherever My Will Reigns, I want to find all of Myself and all the things that belong to Me; in such I way that, whatever I do in Heaven, I must be able to do in the soul in whom My Supreme Fiat dominates and reigns. I must have My Throne, My Melodies, to be able to vibrate the sound of mercy to convert souls, the sound of wisdom to make Myself known, the sound of My Power and Justice to make Myself feared. I must be able to say: ‘Here is my Heaven.’”