Divine Will for every day of the year - February 14, 1938 Volume 35

[Jesus speaking]

“… My Volition never stops.  It is satisfied only when It sees that Its Act has filled everything; then, It carries along with Itself—as a Triumph—the creature who gave It the freedom to Operate in her act, to make It known and be Loved by all.  These are Our Feasts—Our Pure Joys of Creation:  to be able to place Ourselves in the creature, as if We wanted to duplicate Our Power, Immensity, Love and Glory to the Infinite, within the human act of the creature.  And there’s no wonder about it—Our Divine Will is everywhere; therefore, Our Acts that animate the acts of the creatures fly, taking shelter inside Our Volition, even in the most tiny hiding places in which My Will is present.  These Acts serve Us as a return of Love for the whole of Creation, as the sweetest of company—as narrators of Our Supreme Being.  Therefore, Our Love is Exuberant for the one who wants to live in our Fiat.  We are all eyes over her—almost spying—to see when she gives Us her act; to let Our Creative Virtue Operate in it.  This creature is for Us the show of Our Love—the activity of Our Power; and she becomes the Repeater of Our own Life. …”