Divine Will for every day of the year - February 19, 1913 Volume 4

After this, I seemed to see people around me, and I said to Jesus: “Who are they?” And Jesus: "They are the ones whom I entrusted to you some time ago. I commend them to you — watch over them. I would like to form this bond of union between you in order to have them always around Me." And He pointed out to me one in particular. And I: “Ah, Jesus, have You forgotten about my misery and nothingness, and the extreme need I have? What shall I do?" And Jesus: "My daughter, you will not do anything, just as you’ve never done anything. I will speak and operate within you, and I will speak through your mouth. If you only want it so, and if there is good disposition in them, I will offer Myself for everything. Even if I should keep you asleep in My Will, I will wake you up when necessary, and I will let you speak to them. I will delight more in hearing you speak about My Will both in vigil and in sleep."