Divine Will for every day of the year - February 19, 1927 Volume 20

I was following my flight in the Divine Fiat, and my sweet Jesus made Himself seen coming out from within my interior, braiding His hands together with mine - inviting me to fight with Him.  I was so very little, and I did not feel capable and strong to fight with Him; more so, since a voice came out from a light, which said:  “She is too little – how can she win this fight?”

And Jesus answered:  “It is exactly because she is little that she can win, because all the strength is in littleness.”

I was discouraged, nor did I dare to fight with Jesus; and He, inciting me to fight, told me:  “My daughter, courage, try — if you win, you will win the Kingdom of My Will; nor should you stop because you are little.  In fact, I have placed all the strength of created things at your disposal; so, together with you fights all the strength contained in the heavens, in the sun, in the water, in the wind, in the sea.  All of them wage battle against Me.  They do it with Me, to make Me surrender the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat; and they do it with the creatures, with the weapons which each created thing has in its power, to make them surrender into recognizing My Will, so that creatures may let It Reign as they themselves let It Reign.  Wanting to win, they all have placed themselves as though in order for battle; and in seeing that the creatures resist, wanting to win by force — because they have with them the strength of that Will which animates them and dominates them — with the weapons they possess, they knock down people and cities, with such authority that no one can resist them.  You cannot comprehend all of the strength and power that all the elements contain; it is such that, if My Will did not keep them restrained continuously, the battle would be so fierce that they would make a heap of the earth.  

“Now, their strength is also yours; therefore, you — go around in their midst to put them in order for battle.  Let your acts, your continuous asking for the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, call all Creation to attention; and My Will, moving within It, places all of Its Acts in Royal Office in order to give and to win Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures.  It is My Volition Itself that fights — that wages battle against My very Will for the Triumph of Its Kingdom.  So, your fight is animated by It, whose strength is sufficient and irresistible in order to win.  Therefore, please fight and you will win; and then, to fight in order to win the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat is the holiest fight that can exist; it is the most just and rightful battle that can be fought.  This is so true, that My Will Itself, when It formed the Creation, began this battle and this fight; and only then will It surrender, when It wins completely.  

“But do you want to know when you fight with Me and I with you?  I fight when I manifest to you the knowledges about My Eternal Fiat.  So, each saying, each knowledge, each simile about It is one fight and one battle that I make with you in order to win your will, put it at its place, created by Us, and call it, almost by dint of fighting, into the order of the Kingdom of My Divine Will; and as I do it with you in order to subdue your will, I start it in the midst of creatures.  I fight with you when I teach you the path which you must follow, what you have to do in order to live in My Kingdom, and the Happiness, the Joys, you will possess.  In sum, I fight by dint of Light, which My Knowledges contain; I fight by dint of Love and by the most touching examples, in such a way that you cannot resist My Fight.  I fight by means of promises of endless Happiness and Joy.  My fight is persistent, nor do I ever become tired – but to win what?  Your will, and in yours, those who will recognize Mine in order to live in My Kingdom.  And you fight with Me when you receive My Knowledges, and placing them in order in your soul, you form the Kingdom of My Supreme Fiat in you; and fighting against Me, you try to win My Kingdom.  Each one of your acts done in My Will is a fight that you make with Me.  In each round you do through all created things, to unite yourself to all the Acts My Will does in all Creation, you call all Creation to wage battle in order to win My Kingdom, moving My very Will, dominating in all created things, to wage battle against My Will Itself in order to establish Its Kingdom.  …”