Divine Will for every day of the year - February 3, 1929 Volume 25

My poor and little mind swims in the most bitter sea of the privation of my sweet Jesus, and feeling I am almost without Him, more than ever I feel like longing for my Celestial Fatherland. Oh! how bitter is the earth without Jesus. Together with Him it is more bearable, but without Him one cannot live at all. And if it wasn’t for the fact that close to the sea of His privation flows more extensive the Sea of the Divine Fiat that, with Its light, eases in part the bitterness and the intensity of the pain of the privation of Jesus, who knows how long ago I would have taken flight to the Celestial Regions because of the force of the pain. But, Fiat! Fiat!

So, I was continuing my round in the Creation and Redemption, recalling within my mind all the acts done by God in order to follow them, giving, for each act, homages, adoration, love, thanksgiving. And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, by recalling the acts of Creation and Redemption in order to follow them and honor them and know them, the creature does nothing but recognize the Divine Dominion in all things; and My Divine Will feels Itself being given Its honors, the homages due to It, and, drawn, It forms there Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures.”