Divine Will for every day of the year - February 6, 1919 Volume 12

… Then, as if He was satiated, He leaned on my bed and told me: “My daughter, as the soul keeps enclosing My Will and loves Me, in My Will she encloses Me; and, loving Me, she forms around Me the accidents in which to imprison Me, forming a host for Me. So, if she suffers, if she repairs, etc., and encloses My Volition, she forms many hosts to communicate Me, and to satisfy My Hunger in a way which is Divine and worthy of Me. As soon as I see these hosts being formed within the soul, I go and grab them in order to feed Myself, to satisfy My Insatiable Hunger — that the creature render Me love for Love. Therefore, you can say to Me: ‘You have communicated me — I too have communicated You.” …