Divine Will for every day of the year - February 6, 1927 Volume 20

[Jesus speaking] “… Therefore, as the soul comes to possess the Supreme Fiat, the first act of God is to place His Goods in common with her; and centering His Sun in her, through the current if Its Light, He makes His Goods descend into the depth of the soul. And she takes whatever she wants, and through that same current of the light which she possesses, she makes them ascend again to her Creator, as the greatest homage of love and of gratitude; then, that same current makes them descend once again into her. So, these Goods ascend and descend continuously, as the certainty and the seal of the communion existing between Creator and creature.

“Such was the state of Adam when he was created, until he sinned – that which was Ours, was his; the fullness of Light centered in him, in view of the fact that his will was one with Ours, brought him the communion of Our Goods. How We felt Our Happiness redoubled — on the part of Creation, not because of anything else – as We saw Adam, Our son, happy of Our own Happiness. In fact, since his will was one with Ours, Our Will could pour Our Goods and Our Happiness in torrents upon him; so much so that, unable to contain it all, because he did not have the capacity of his Creator, while being filled to the brim to the point of overflowing, he would make all the rest ascend to the One from whom he had received it. And what did he make ascend? His perfect Love, which he had received from God; his Sanctity, his Glory, which he possessed in common with Us, so as to almost match Us with Happiness, Love and Glory. We gave him Happiness – Happiness he gave to Us; We gave him Love, Sanctity and Glory – Love, Sanctity and Glory he gave to Us. My daughter, to possess a Divine Will is something astonishing; the human nature cannot comprehend everything – it feels, it possesses, and knows not how to express.”