Divine Will for every day of the year - February 9, 1927 Volume 20

Then, while writing, I was thinking to myself: “Before I write certain little things that Jesus tells me, it seems to me that they are of very little importance, and therefore it seems that it is not necessary to put them on paper. But as I am in the act of writing them, the way in which Jesus orders them in my interior changes the scene, and though small in their appearance, they seem to be of great importance in their substance. Given all this, what an account will those who had, and have authority over me, have to give God, when they have not imposed themselves through obedience in order to make me write? How many things have I neglected, when I received no command?”

And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “Daughter, they will certainly have to give Me an account. If they believe it is I, the account will be very strict, because believing that is I and not taking into account even one word, is as if they wanted to suffocate a sea of good for the benefit of creatures, because My Word always comes from the strength of the Creative Power. In fact, I pronounced one Fiat in Creation, and I extended a heaven studded with innumerable millions of stars; another Fiat, and I formed the sun. I did not say twenty words to form so many things in Creation, but one Fiat was enough for Me. Now, My Word still contains Its Creative Power, and you cannot know if My Word is directed to forming a heaven, a star, a sea, a sun, for souls. Therefore, by not taking it into account, and by not displaying it for the creatures, they reject this heaven, this sun, stars and sea, back into Me, while they could have done so much good to creatures. And the consequent damage would be blamed on the one who, not taking it into consideration, has suffocated it within Me. If then they do not believe, it is even worse, because they are so blind as to not have the eyes to see the Sun of My Word; and incredulity leads to obstinacy and to hardness of heart, while belief softens the heart and disposes it to be subdued by grace, and to receive the sight in order to comprehend My Truths.”