[Jesus speaking]
“Now, My Mama wanted to make me smile at My Birth, and to prepare the feast for Her Baby Son. She knew that I cannot smile if I am not Loved, nor take part in any feast if Love does not flow there. Therefore, Loving Me as True Mother, and possessing Seas of Love in virtue of My Fiat, and being Queen of all Creation, She envelops the sky with Her Love and She seals every star with ‘I Love You, O Son, for Me and for all.’ She envelops the sun in Her Sea of Love and imprints on every drop of light Her ‘I Love You, O Son,’ and She calls the sun to invest Her Creator with its light, and warming Him He would feel in every drop of light the ‘I Love You’ of His Mama. She invests the wind with Her Love and in every breeze She seals the ‘I Love You, O Son,’ and then She calls it so that with its puffs She caresses Him, and He would hear in every puff of wind: ‘I Love You, I Love, O, My Son.’
“She envelops all the air in Her Seas of Love, so that breathing, the breath of Love of My Mother would be felt. She covered all the evils with Her Seas of Love, every darting of the fish, and the sea murmured ‘I Love you O My Son,’ and the fishes darted, ‘I Love You, I Love You.’ There was nothing She did not invest with Her Love. And with Her Empire of Queen She commanded that everyone would receive Her Love, in order to re-give to Her Jesus the Love of His Mama. Therefore every bird, some trilled love, some chirped, some warbled love. Even every atom of earth was invested by Her Love. The breath of the beasts came to Me with the ‘I Love You’ of My Mother. The hay was invested by Her Love. Therefore there was nothing that I could see or touch, that I did not feel the Sweetness of Her Love.
“With this She prepared for Me the Most Beautiful Feast at My Birth, Feast all of Love. It was the reciprocation of My Great Love that made Me find My sweet Mother, and it was Her Love that quieted My crying. It warmed Me while I was frozen by the cold in the manger, more so because I found in Her Love the Love of all creatures, and for each one She kissed Me, She clasped Me to Her Heart, and She Loved Me with the Love of Mother for all Her children. And I, feeling in each one Her Maternal Love, felt Myself Love them as Her children and as My dear brothers.
“My daughter, what can Love, animated by an Omnipotent Fiat, not do? It acts as magnet and draws Us in an irresistible way, It removes every dissimilarity, with Its Heat It Transforms and Confirms she whom He Loves. Then It embellishes in an incredible way, that the Heavens and earth feel themselves enraptured to Loving her. Not to Love a creature who Loves Us is impossible for Us. All Our Divine Power and Strength are rendered impotent and weak before the conquering strength of one who Loves Us.
“Therefore, you also give Me the Feast that My Mother gave Me in being Born. Envelop the Heavens and earth with your ‘I Love You, O Jesus.’ Do not let anything escape in which your Love does not run. Make Me smile, because I was not Born one single time, but I am always Reborn, and many times My Births are without smile and without feast, and only My tears, sobs, whimpers, and a cold that makes Me tremble and numbs all My members, remains for Me. Therefore clasp Me to your heart in order to warm Me with your Love, and with the Light of My Will you will form the clothes in order to dress Me, in this way you also will make the Feast for Me, and I will make it for you by giving you New Love and New Knowledge about My Will.”