[Jesus speaking]
“… Now, the work of the creature in Our Will enters into Our works, and Our Will becomes nourishment, preservation and Act of the very act of the creature. These acts done in Our Will by the creature, place themselves around Us, and transfused in all created things, sing Our perpetual Glory.
“How different is Our Work, and the Love with which We operate, from that of the creature! In Us, Our Love for the work We do is so great that We do not allow it to go outside of Ourselves, that it may lose nothing of the Beauty with which it was made. On the other hand, if the creature of reason does a good work, or even one virtuous act, she is unable to keep it with herself. Rather, many times she doesn’t know what happened to her work, whether it got dirty, or whether they reduced it to a rag — sign of her little love for her own works. And since the creature, because of sin, went out from her foundation – that is, the prime Divine Will from Which she took origin – she lost true love toward God, toward herself, and toward her works.
“I wanted man to be in My Will by his own will, not by force, because I Loved him more than all other created things; and I wanted him to be like a king in the midst of My works. But man, ungrateful, wanted to go out from his origin; therefore, he was transformed and lost his freshness and beauty, and was subject to alterations and continuous changes. And as much as I call him to return into his origin, he plays deaf, pretending not to hear Me. But My Love is such that I keep waiting for him, and I continue to call him."