Divine Will for every day of the year - January 25, 1927 Volume 20

… Afterwards, He made Himself seen as a little child, staring at me so much, as to remain as though impressed within me; and He wanted me to look at Him, but so much as to remain impressed in Him. Then, all love and tenderness, He told me: “My daughter, this is the true image of the living in My Eternal Will: the soul copies the Divine Will within herself, and the Supreme Will copies the soul, in such a way that your Creator keeps the copy of your image impressed within His womb. He holds her so dear, because He sees her exactly as He released her from her origin; she has lost nothing of her freshness and beauty. His paternal features are impressed in this copy; and this copy, in the paternal womb of God, sings for Him the praises of all Creation with all His works, and whispers continuously to His ear: ‘You made everything for me. You loved me so much, and still do, and I want to convert everything – everything into love for You.’ This copy is the portent of God in His womb; she is the memory of all His works.

“This is the copy of the soul in God, and the copy of God in the soul, and the carrying out of the Divine Life within the creature. How beautiful is the Kingdom of My Will – the nothing dissolved in the All, and the All fused in the nothing; the lowliness of the creature rising into the Divine height, and the Divine height descending into the depth of the creature. They are two beings bound together, inseparable, transfused, identified, such that it can barely be recognized that they are two lives palpitating together. All the magnificence, the sanctity, the sublimeness, the prodigies of the Kingdom of My Will, will be exactly this: the faithful copy of the soul in God, and the copy of God, whole and beautiful, in the soul. Therefore, the children of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will be as many images of little gods in My Kingdom.”