… Now, it seemed that He was saying to me: “My beloved daughter, I want to let you know the order of My Providence. Every two thousand years I have renewed the world. In the first two thousand years I renewed it with the Deluge; in the second two thousand I renewed it with My Coming upon earth when I manifested My Humanity, from which, as if from many fissures, My Divinity shone forth. The good ones and the very Saints of the following two thousand years have lived from the fruits of My Humanity and, in drops, they have enjoyed My Divinity. Now we are around the third two thousand years, and there will be a third renewal. This is the reason for the general confusion: it is nothing other than the preparation of the third renewal. If in the second renewal I manifested what My Humanity did and suffered, and very little of what My Divinity was operating, now, in this third renewal, after the earth will be purged and a great part of the current generation destroyed, I will be even more generous with creatures, and I will accomplish the renewal by manifesting what My Divinity did within My Humanity; how My Divine Will acted with My human will; how everything remained linked within Me; how I did and redid everything, and how even each thought of each creature was redone by Me, and sealed with My Divine Volition.
“My Love wants to pour Itself out; It wants to make known the excesses which My Divinity operated in My Humanity for the creatures - excesses which greatly surpass the excesses that My Humanity operated externally. This is also why I often speak to you about living in My Will, which I have not manifested to anyone until now. At the most, they have known the shadow of My Will, the grace and the sweetness of doing It. But to penetrate inside of It, to embrace Immensity, to be multiplied with Me and — even while being on earth — penetrate everywhere, both into Heaven and into the hearts, laying down the human ways and acting in Divine ways — this is not yet known; so much so that not to a few will this appear strange, and those who do not keep their minds opened to the Light of the Truth will not understand a thing. But little by little I will make My Way, manifesting now one truth, now another, about this living in My Will, so that they will end up understanding. …”