Divine Will for every day of the year - July 2, 1926 Volume 19

… I felt as if Divine Justice was pouring Its reflections over me, and as Jesus identified me with Himself, I suffered His blows, His wounds and His pains together with Him. They were so many that I myself did not know whether I would be left alive or dead. But to my highest sorrow, withdrawing, my Jesus mitigated my pains, and I remained, once again, crossing my hard and long exile. But, always Fiat! Fiat!... I would rather have passed over all this, but obedience imposed itself, and to my greatest reluctance I had to make a little mention of it. Who can say how I was left? And my sweet Jesus, to cheer me, resumed His speaking about His Most Holy Will: “My daughter, come with Me in the midst of Creation. Heaven and earth await you – they want the one who, animated by that same Will that animates them and gives them life, would make the whole Creation resound with that most sweet echo of the eternal Love of their Maker. They want your voice which, flowing in each created thing, would animate their mute language with that perennial glory and adoration to their Creator. And since all things are bound to one another, and one is the strength of the other because one is the Supreme Will that vivifies them and preserves them, one who possesses It is bound to them with the same strength and with the same union. So, if you are not present in the midst of Creation, because of your absence they would feel the Universal Strength and the bond of Inseparability lacking to them. Therefore, come into Our dominions, for everyone longs for you, and at the same time I will make you comprehend more things about the great distance that exists between the sanctity of one who possesses the unity of the light of the Kingdom of my Will and the sanctity of submission, of resignation and of virtues.”

Now, while He was saying this, I found myself outside of myself, and I tried to make my “I love You,” my adoration, resound over all created things. And Jesus, all goodness, added: “My daughter, look at the heavens, the stars, the sun, the moon, the plants, the flowers, the sea... look at everything. Each created thing has its distinct nature, its own color, its littleness and its height; each of them has its distinct office, and one cannot do what the other does, nor produce the same effects. So, each created thing is a symbol of the sanctity of virtues, of submission and resignation to My Will. According to the virtues they have practiced, souls have drawn a distinct color within themselves; therefore it can be said that one is red flower, another, purple, another, white; one is plant, one is tree, another is star; and according to how they have submitted to the reflections of the Supreme Will, so have they developed in fecundity, in height, in beauty. But one is their shade, because My Will, like solar ray, gave them the color of the seed which they themselves had placed in their souls. On the other hand, the Sanctity of one who lives in the Unity of the Light of My Will is a birth from that single act of her Creator, which is one in the creative hands, and yet, the rays of His Will, coming out of God, invade everything and produce works and effects so innumerable that man cannot arrive at counting them all. So, since this Sanctity is a birth from that single act, it will be the Supreme Will’s care and jealousy for it to enclose all colors, all the different beauties and all possible imaginable goods within itself. And so, more than blazing sun, it will enclose and eclipse within itself all of Creation with its different beauties; one will see all the goods of Redemption enclosed in it, as well as all sanctities; and I, showing off My Love more than ever, will place the seal of My very Sanctity within one who has possessed the Kingdom of My Will. …”