I was thinking in my interior: “Where are the pains that my sweet Jesus had told me He would let me share in — while I am suffering almost nothing?” And my always lovable Jesus told me: "My daughter, how you deceive yourself! You calculate the physical pains; I calculate physical and moral pains. Each time you have been deprived of Me, it was a death that you felt, and I felt I was being repaired for the many deaths which creatures give themselves through sin — and you took part in the many deaths which I suffered. When you were feeling cold — that was another little death you felt, and you shared in the coldness of the creatures, who would want to cool My Love. But my Love, triumphant over their coldness, absorbs it into Me, to feel the death of their coldness; and I give to them more ardent love. And so with all your other pains: they were evils opposite those of the creatures; and like many little deaths, they made you share in My deaths.
“And then, don’t you know that My Justice suspends your pains, when it is forced by the evil of peoples to pour out new chastisements? Evils will be so grave as to be horrifying. I know that this is a pain for you, but I too had the same pain. I would have wanted to free creatures from all pains, both in time and in Eternity, but this was not granted to Me by the Wisdom of the Father, and I had to resign Myself. Would you perhaps want to surpass My very Humanity? Ah, daughter, no kind of sanctity is without Cross! No virtue can be acquired without union with pains. However, know that I will repay you at usurious interest for all my privations, and even for the pains that you would want to suffer, and you don’t."