Divine Will for every day of the year - June 16, 1934 Volume 33

But while I thought this, my sweet Jesus, surprising me, all Goodness told me: “Blessed daughter, you must know that the most beautiful thing Created by Us was the human will. Among all created things it is the most beautiful, that which resembles Us more, therefore it can be called the queen among everything, as indeed it is. All things are beautiful. Beautiful is the sun that with its vivifying light gladdens, smiles, on everything; with its light it makes itself eye, hand, and step of everyone. Beautiful is the sky that covers everything with its starry mantle. But for however beautiful all created things are, not one can boast of having made Us the littlest act of really loving Us. There is not one outpouring of exchange; everything is mute silence. And everything that We do, We do it alone. No one echoes Us to respond to the so many Seas of Love that there are in all created things. Not even the littlest outpouring is given to Us, because the outpouring is formed between two wills that have reason and know if they do good or evil.

“Therefore the human will was Created queen in the midst of Creation; queen of itself, Outpouring of Love with its Creator, queen of all created things. Freely it can do a world of good, prodigies of valor, heroism of sacrifices, if it sets itself on the side of Good. But if it sets itself on the side of evil, as queen it can do a world of ruin and can fall from the highest place even to the bottom of the greatest miseries. This is why among all things We Love the human will, because We made it queen. It can tell Us that it loves Us, it can nourish Our Outpouring of Love, it can place itself in a contest with Us: We to Love it, and it to love Us. Therefore We have gifted it with such prerogatives, even to giving it Our Likeness; it is nothing other than a simple act, and yet it is the hand, the foot the voice of her human being.

“If the creature were to have no will, she would be similar to the beasts, slave of everyone, without the imprint of the Divine Nobility, Our Divinity. Most Pure Spirit, there is no shadow of the material in Us, and yet We invest everything and everyone, and We are the life, the motion, the foot, the hand, the eye, of everyone. The human life flows in the midst of Our fingers as actor and spectator, breath and heartbeat of every heart. And what We do for everyone and everything, the human will is for itself; one can say that for the prerogatives that it possesses, it can mirror itself in Us, and We find Our little Mirror in it. Our Power, Wisdom, Goodness, Love, can form their reflections in the simple act of the human will. O! human will, how beautiful you have been Created by your Creator. Beautiful is the sky, the sun, but you surpass it, and even if you had no other beauty, just because you can tell Us that you love Us, you possess the greatest glory, the enchantment that you can enrapture your Creator.”