This morning, having received Holy Communion, I received It as usual in the Most Holy Will of God, offering It to my dear Saint Aloysius – not only the Communion, but all the goods contained in the Most Holy Will of God, for his accidental glory. Now, while doing this, I saw that all the goods contained in the Supreme Volition, like many rays of light, rays of beauty and of multiple colors, inundated the dear Saint, giving him an infinite glory. And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, Aloysius is a flower and a Saint bloomed from the earth of My Humanity and made bright by the reflections of the rays of the Sun of My Will. In fact, though, holy, pure, noble and united hypostatically to the Word, My Humanity was earth; and Aloysius, more than flower, bloomed from My Humanity — pure, holy, noble, possessing the root of pure love, in such a way that in each leaf of his flower one can see written, ‘love.’ But what renders him more beautiful and brilliant are the rays of My Will, to which he was always submitted — rays which gave such development to this flower as to render it unique on earth and in Heaven. Now, My daughter, if Aloysius is so beautiful because he bloomed from My Humanity, what will be of you and of all those who will possess the Kingdom of My Will? These flowers will not bloom from My Humanity, but will have their roots within the Sun of My Will. In It is formed the flower of their life; they grow and bloom in the very Sun of My Volition which, jealous of these flowers, will keep them eclipsed within Its own light. In each petal of these flowers one will see, written, all the specialties of the Divine qualities; they will be the enchantment of all Heaven, and all will recognize in them the complete work of their Creator.”
And while He was saying this, my sweet Jesus opened His breast and showed, inside it, an immense Sun, in which He was to plant all these flowers; and His love and jealousy toward them was so great, that He would not let them bloom outside His Humanity, but inside Himself.