I was pouring all of myself into the Divine Will, and my sweet Jesus told me: "My daughter, the souls who live in My Will are the reflection of everyone and of everything. Since they are reflected in everything, as a consequence they receive the reflection of all. And since My Will is life of everything, in My Will they run to give life to everything. So, even inanimate things and plants receive their reflections, while they receive the reflection of all Creation; they harmonize with all things created by Me; in My Will they give to all; they are friends and sisters with all, and receive love and glory from all. My Will renders them inseparable from Me and therefore whatever I do, they do as well. My Will does not know how to do things dissimilar from Me. The Kingdom of My Will means ‘to reign’, therefore all of them are queens; but true reigning is not to be excluded from anything created by Me."