Divine Will for every day of the year - March 11, 1928 Volume 23

… Now, while I would have wanted my “I love You” to form a circle around all the Acts of Jesus, He moved in my interior and told me:  “My daughter, all of My Hidden Life, and such a long one, was nothing other than the recall of the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth.  I wanted to redo within Myself all the acts that creatures were to do in It, to then hold them out to them; and I wanted to do this together with My Mama, I wanted Her always together with Me in My Hidden Life, in order to form this Kingdom.  Two people had destroyed this Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, Adam and Eve; and two more, Myself and the height of the Sovereign Queen, were to redo It.  

“So, first I took care of the Kingdom of My Divine Will, because the human will had been the first to offend Mine by withdrawing from It; all other offenses came in the second degree, as the consequence of the first act.  It is the human will that is the life or the death of the creature, her happiness or her tyranny and misfortune into which she hurls herself; her good angel that leads her to Heaven, or the one who, transforming into a demon, hurls her into hell.  All evil is in the will, as well as all good, because the will is like the fount of life placed in the creature, that can spring joys, happiness, sanctity, peace, virtue, or spurts from itself little fountains of troubles, of miseries, of sins, of wars, that destroy all goods.

“Therefore, first I took care of the Kingdom of My Will in this Hidden Life, for as long as thirty years; and then, with My short Public Life, just three years, I took care of Redemption.  And while in forming the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, I had the Celestial Mama always near Me, in My Public Life I did without Her presence, at least corporally, because for the Kingdom of My Fiat I constituted Myself King, and the Virgin, Queen, in order to be, I first, and then She, the foundation of the Kingdom that had been destroyed by the human will.  

“See, then, how the Kingdom of My Divine Will, by necessity, by reason, and as a result, was formed with My coming upon earth in the first order; nor could I have formed the Redemption had I not satisfied My Celestial Father for the first offensive act that the creature had done against Him.  Therefore, the Kingdom of My Will is formed, there is nothing left but to make It known; and this is why I do nothing but follow with you, and hold out to you, My Acts that I did in order to form It, accompanying your acts so that the foundation of Mine may flow in them.  I am on guard so that your will may have no life, and so that Mine may be free.  In sum, I am acting as with a second mother of Mine, recalling all the acts done together with the Virgin, in order to deposit them in you.  Therefore, be attentive to follow My Will in everything.”

May everything be for the glory of God and for the fulfillment of His Most Holy Will.