Divine Will for every day of the year - March 13, 1899 Volume 2

… Then, in one instant, I also saw the confessor, and Jesus, sending forth a ray of intellectual light, spoke these words: "Charity. Charity is nothing but an outpouring of the Divine Being, and this outpouring I have diffused over the whole Creation, in such a way that all Creation speaks of the Love I have for man, and all Creation teaches him how He must love Me — from the largest being to the most tiny little flower in the field.

"See", it says to man, "with my sweet fragrance and by always facing the sky, I try to send an homage to my Creator. You too, let all your actions be fragrant, holy, pure; do not offend my Creator with the bad odor of your actions. O please, o man", the little flower repeats to us, "don’t be so senseless as to keep your eyes fixed on the earth; but rather, raise them up to Heaven. See, up there is your destiny, your fatherland – up there is my Creator and yours who awaits you."

The water that flows continuously before our eyes also says to us: "See, I have come out of darkness, and I must flow and run so much until I go and bury myself in the place from which I came. You too, O man, run — but run into the bosom of God, from which you came. O please! I beg you, do not run along the wrong paths, the paths which lead to the precipice; otherwise — woe to you!"

Even the wildest animals repeat to us: "See, O man, how wild you must be for all that is not God. See, when we see that someone is approaching us, with our roars we strike so much fear that no one dares to come close to us any more, to disturb our solitude. You too, when the stench of earthly things — that is, your violent passions – are about to make you muddy and fall into the abyss of sins, with the roars of your prayers and by withdrawing from the occasions in which you find yourself, you will be safe from any danger." And so with all the other beings – it would take too long to tell them all. With one voice they resound among themselves, and repeat to us: "See, O man, our Creator made us for Love of you, and we are all at your service. And you, don’t be so ungrateful – love, we beg you; love, we repeat to you; love our Creator."