… It seemed to me that in His Will I did nothing but ascend to Heaven and descend upon earth, to ascend again in order to bring all generations, to love Him for all, and to make Him loved by all.
Then, while I was doing this, my Jesus made Himself seen again and told me: “My daughter, how beautiful and delightful it is to see the creature live in Our Will! She lives from Our Reflections, and while living from Our reflections, she absorbs the likeness of her Creator within herself. So she is embellished, enriched, enlarged, so much as to be able to take everyone and to bring all to Us; and she draws so much love from Us as to be able to love Us for all. And We find in her all Our Love, which We delivered in Creation, Our satisfaction, Our contentment and the return of Our works. Our Love for the soul who lives in Our Will is so great that, by virtue of our Will, the soul becomes that which We are by nature. We pour everything into her; not even a fiber do We leave out which is not filled of Our own. We fill her so much as to make her overflow, forming Divine Rivers and Seas around her; and We descend into these Seas to amuse Ourselves, admiring Our Works with Love, and feeling fully glorified.
“Therefore, my daughter, live in the most pure Light of My Will, if you want your Jesus to repeat again that word which He said in creating man: ‘By virtue of Our Will, let Us make this soul in Our Image and Likeness.’”