Divine Will for every day of the year - March 16, 1927 Volume 21

I was thinking about the Supreme Fiat and the way how this Kingdom may come and be realized; and my beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, as your Jesus was conceived, I tied again the Kingdom of My Divine Will with creatures. It was necessary for It to take absolute dominion in My Humanity, and to have Its life free in all My Acts, to be able to lay Its Kingdom as It wanted within My Humanity. So, everything I did—works, prayers, breathing, heartbeat and sufferings—were bonds and re-tyings between the Kingdom of My Fiat and creatures.

“I represented the New Adam, who not only was to give the remedies in order to save them, but was to redo, to restore, what the old Adam had lost. This is why it was necessary for Me to take on human nature, to be able to enclose in it what the creature had lost and, through Me, give it back again. It was Justice that My Divine Will have a human nature at Its disposal, that would oppose itself in nothing, so as to be able to lay Its Kingdom, once again, in the midst of creatures; more so, since a human nature had taken away from It Its Rights to Reign, and so another one was needed, that would return Its Rights to It.

“Therefore, My coming upon earth was not for Redemption alone; on the contrary, the primary purpose was to form the Kingdom of My Will within My Humanity, in order to give It back to creatures. If it were not so, My coming upon earth would have been an incomplete work, unworthy of a God, as—no less—I would not have been able to restore the work of Creation, the order with which It came out of Our Creative Hands, as Our Will was to reign in everything. …”