It seems that blessed Jesus wants to speak about His Most Holy Will. I was diffusing myself throughout all His interior — in His thoughts, desires, affections, in His Will, in His Love, in everything, when Jesus told me with infinite sweetness: "Oh, if you knew the contentment that one who does My Will gives Me! Your heart would break with joy. See, as you were diffusing yourself in My thoughts, desires, etc., you were forming the delight of My thoughts, while My desires, fusing in yours, were playing together with them. Your affections, united to your will and to your love, running and flying into My affections, into My Will and into My Love, were kissing one another; and pouring like a rapid rivulet into the immense sea of the Eternal One, they were playing with the Divine Persons — now with the Father, now with Me, and now with the Holy Spirit.
“Then, wanting to give no time to One Another, We play with her — all Three together, making of her Our own jewel. This jewel — Our delight — is so dear to Us that We keep it with jealousy ‘ad intra,’ in the intimate part of Our Will; and when the creatures embitter Us and offend Us, in order to be cheered, We take Our jewel, and We amuse Ourselves together."