Divine Will for every day of the year - March 20, 1932 Volume 30

I was thinking about the Divine Will, and was saying to myself:  “If Our Lord Loves so much to make known a Will so Holy, and He wants It to Reign in the midst of creatures, why, then, does He want them to pray in order to obtain It?  Once He wants to, He can give It, even without so much praying Him.”  

And my sweet Jesus, surprising me, told me:  “My daughter, to know My Divine Will is the Greatest thing that I can give and that the creature can receive; and Its Reigning is the Confirmation of Its Great Gift and the carrying out of Its Will that was known.  Therefore, it is necessary to ask for It; by asking for It, she disposes herself, she forms within herself the Royal Palace in which to receive It; by asking for It, she acquires the Love in order to Love It, she acquires the qualities of Sacrifice that are needed in order to possess It.  And as one asks for It, the human will loses its ground, it is debilitated, it loses strength and disposes itself to receive the Dominion of the Supreme Volition; and God, seeing Himself prayed, disposes Himself to give It.  

“It takes the dispositions of both sides in order for Us to give Our Celestial Gifts.  How many Gifts do We want to give!  But because they are not asked for, We retain Them within Ourselves, waiting to give Them when they are asked for.  By asking, it is as if commerce were opened between Creator and creature.  If one does not ask, the commerce is closed, and Our Celestial Gifts do not descend in order to put themselves in circulation on the face of the earth.  Therefore, the first indispensable necessity in order to obtain the Kingdom of the Divine Will is to ask for It with Incessant prayers, because, as they pray, so are We reached by little letters—now of solicitation, now of supplication, now of the agreement that they want to make with Our Will, until the last letter comes, of the final accord.

“Second necessity, more indispensable than the first, in order to obtain this Kingdom:  it is necessary to know that one can have It.  Who can ever think of a Good, desire it, love it, if he does not know that he can obtain it?  No one.  If the Ancients had not known that the future Redeemer was to come, no one would have given it a thought, nor prayed, nor hoped for salvation, because the salvation, the sanctity of those times, was fixed—centralized in the future Celestial Savior.  Outside of this there was no good to be hoped for.  To know that one can have a Good forms the Substance, the Life, the nourishment of that Good in the creature.  Here is the reason for the so many Knowledges about My Will that I have manifested to you—that it may be known that they can have the Kingdom of My Will.  When it is known that a Good can be possessed, arts and industriousness are used, and the means to obtain the intent are employed.

“The third necessary means is to know that God wants to give this Kingdom.  This lays the foundations, the sure Hope in order to obtain It, and forms the final preparations in order to receive the Kingdom of My Divine Will.  When a Good is wanted and longed for, to know that the one who can give it already wants to give it, can be called the last blow of Grace, and final act, to obtain what is wanted.  In fact, had I not manifested to you that I can give and want to give My Divine Will as Dominating and Reigning in the midst of creatures, you would have remained indifferent like everyone else toward a Good so Great.  So, your interest, your prayers, have been effects of, and Births from, what you have known.  …”