Divine Will for every day of the year - March 25, 1934 Volume 33

… After this, I continued my abandonment in the arms of Jesus.  His Divine Heart jumped strongly, strongly with Love, with Joy, with Happiness, and with Sorrow.  And my sweet Jesus added:  “My daughter, all the Acts of My Humanity possess the Generative Virtue, therefore the mind thinks and It Generates Holy Thoughts, it thinks and It Generates Light, Science, Wisdom, Divine Knowledges, New Truths, and while It Generates It pours again in torrents into the minds of creatures, without ever ceasing to Generate.  In fact, every creature has in her mind the secret repository of these children of Mine Generated from My Mind, with the difference that some hold them honored, courted, giving them the freedom to let them produce the Good that they possess, and some hold them without taking care of them, and as suffocated.  My Gazes Generate glances of Love, of Compassion, of Tenderness, of Mercy—I never lose sight of anyone.  My Gazes multiply for everyone.  And O! the Power of My Gazes, with how much pity it pours itself over the human miseries.  It is so much that in order to place them in safety, it encloses the creature in My pupil in order to keep her defended and surrounded by Inexpressible Affection and Tenderness as to amaze the whole of Heaven.  My tongue Speaks and it Generates Words that give Life, Sublime Teachings; it Generates Prayers; it Speaks and Generates Wounds and Arrows of Love in order to give the Generation of My Ardent Love to everyone, and to make Me Loved by everyone.  My Hands Generate Works, Wounds, Nails, Blood, Embraces, in order to make Me Work of each one, balm in order to sweeten their wounds, nails in order to wound them and purify them, Blood in order to wash them, embraces in order to embrace them and carry them as in Triumph in My Arms.  …”