I felt all immersed and abandoned in the Divine Will, and while I continued my acts in It, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the soul who lives in My Divine Will is the triumph of It. As the soul does her acts in It, It puts out Its bilocating virtue that, hovering throughout the whole Creation, extends Its Divine Life in It. So, the soul who lives in My Will gives Me the occasion to bilocate My Life for as many acts as she does in It, and therefore, not only is she the triumph of My Will, but It receives more honor from the soul who acts in It than from the whole Creation.
“In fact, in creating each thing, God placed in some the shadow of His Light, in some the notes of His Love, in some others the image of His Power, in others the flowerings of His Beauty; so, each created thing has something that belongs to its Creator. But in the soul who lives in the Divine Fiat, God places all of Himself—He centralizes His whole Being in her; and bilocating in her, He fills the whole Creation with the acts that the soul does in His Will, in order to receive love, glory and adorations from her, for each thing that came out of Our creative hands.
“So, one who lives in It places herself in relation with all created things; and taking to heart the honor of her Creator, through the same relations that she receives, for each thing, from the smallest to the greatest thing created, she sends the requital of her relations for all that her Creator has done. Therefore, all communications are open between the soul and God; the creature enters the Divine order, and enjoys perfect harmony with the Supreme Being—and because of this, she is the true triumph of My Will.
“On the other hand, one who does not live in It, lives with the human will, and therefore all communications with the Supreme Being are closed—everything is disorder and disharmony; her relations are with her own passions, and through her passions she sends her acts. She knows nothing about the news of her Creator; more than serpent, she crawls on the earth, and lives in the disorder of human things. Therefore, the soul who lives with her human will is the dishonor of Mine and the defeat of the Divine Fiat in the work of Creation. What sorrow, My daughter, what sorrow!—the human will that wants to defeat the Will of its Creator, who loves the creature so much, and wants, in His triumph, the triumph of the creature herself.”