Divine Will for every day of the year - March 5, 1931 Volume 33

After this, I was following the Acts that my sweet Jesus did when He was on this earth, and I prayed Him from the heart that in virtue of His Acts He would make His Will known to everyone. And following Him on the ways that He took, my mind stopped in the Act when my Eternal Love Jesus went through the fields and He delighted in looking at the flowers and gathered them with His Creative Hands. And I wanted to place my “I love You” over each flower so that it would change into voice and speaking flowers that would ask that His Volition would be known and loved.

And Jesus, making Himself felt, all Goodness added: “Blessed daughter, I want to tell you My Sorrows and the Secret of My Heart. You must know that the human will was the most transfixing nail of My Heart. In journeying on the roads, the fields, I looked at the fields in bloom, the trees loaded with fruits, and I felt the Joys of My Creation. And those fields in bloom symbolized for Me, more than flowers, the Beauty, the Vivacity, the Freshness and the Beautiful Complexion of the creature, and I rejoiced. But immediately the nail of the human volition made Me see them transformed into withered flowers, faded, dried, drooping on the stem in the act of dying, that instead of fragrance, changed into bad odor, and the fruits of the tress, unripe and rotten, symbol of the evil in which the human will reduces the creature, the Most Beautiful Work of Our Creative Hands. I had a Pain; those flowers snatched tears from My eyes, because I felt the nail of the human will penetrate more strongly.

“And My Sorrow is very strong, because I wait for your ‘I love You,’ that asks Me that the Good of My Will, and the evil of the human will, be known, so that they do Mine and abhor theirs. Many times I looked at the azure heavens studded with stars, and the sun with its majestic shinning light that dominated the whole earth—symbol of the heaven of the soul, and the Sun of My Will that must shine in this heaven so enchanting, that must Dominate with Its Light the heaven of the soul and the beautiful flowered earth of their bodies—and My Heart had some jolts of Joy. But what! they were brief instants, immediately the nail of the human volition went out into the field, and forming very black clouds, loaded with thunder, lightning, and hail, it obstructed the sun, it removed the beautiful sight of the serene heaven, and, unloading itself over the poor creature, devastated the heaven of their soul and the earth of their bodies, casting desolation and horror everywhere.

“I can say that when I lived down here, I did not take a step that the nail of the human volition did not transfix Me—from when I was born, to when I died. It was exactly this that formed the hardest and continuous martyrdom of Mine, because for Me it transformed from beautiful into ugly My Most Beautiful Creative Work, and I, in everything that I did and suffered, always had the aim of placing the human will in safety. And O! how I Love one who calls My Acts, unites herself together with Me, and on the stake of My same Sacrifice and of My Love, sacrifices herself in order to obtain the Great Good that My Will would be known and would dominate the human volition, font of all the evils of the poor creature. Therefore, I want you always together with Me, never leave Me alone, in order to repeat My Life in you.”