Divine Will for every day of the year - March 8, 1912 Volume 11

After this, Jesus seemed to be looking around; and I: “What are you looking at, O Jesus? Aren’t we alone?” And He said: "No, there are people. I attract them around you to keep them tightly to Me." And I: “Do You love them?" And He: "Yes, but I would like them to be more nimble, more trusting, more brave and more intimate with Me, with no thought for themselves. They must know that victims are no longer the owners of themselves, otherwise they would cancel the state of victim."

Then, having to cough a little, I said: “Jesus, make me die of consumption. Hurry, hurry, let me come! Take me with You!” And Jesus: "Don’t make Me see you feel discontent, otherwise I suffer.... Yes, you will die of consumption. Just a little longer; and if you won’t die of physical consumption, you will die consumed of Love. Please, do not get out of My Will, for My Will will be your Paradise; or better still, the Paradise of My Will. For as many days as you will be on earth, so many Paradises will I give you in Heaven."