… After this, I was thinking about when Our Lord ascended into Heaven, glorious and triumphant, with His Humanity no longer humiliated, subject to pains, with the insignia of Adam decayed, but untouchable by any pain, with the insignia of the new innocent Adam, with all the most beautiful prerogatives of Creation, clothed with light and immortal.
But while I was thinking about this, my most sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, My Humanity redid within Itself, and over Itself, all the evils of decayed humanity, to the point of dying, in order to give to it the virtue of rising again from the death to which it was subject. This is the reason why I did not leave the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth—because the humanity of innocent Adam was missing, glorious and immortal, in order to be able to impetrate It and to receive the great Gift of My Fiat. Therefore, it was necessary that My Humanity first redo decayed humanity and give to it all the remedies in order to raise it again, and then die and rise again with the qualities of innocent Adam, so as to be able to give to man what he lost. Not only this, but I wanted to ascend into Heaven with My Humanity as beautiful, clothed with light, just as it came out of Our creative hands, so as to say to the Celestial Father: ‘My Father, look at Me, how My Humanity is redone, how the Kingdom of Our Will is safe in It. I am the Head of all, and the One who prays You has all the rights to ask and to give what I possess.’
“My daughter, an innocent humanity, with all the qualities with which it came out of Our Creative Hands, was needed in order to impetrate again the Kingdom of Our Will into the midst of creatures. Up to that time it was missing, and I purchased it with My Death, and I ascended into Heaven in order to fulfill, with My first task, My second task of impetrating and giving the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth. It is about two thousand years that this Humanity of Mine has been praying, and Our Divine Majesty, feeling the love of Creation that We had in creating man overflow from Itself again—or rather, with greater intensity—and feeling Itself being enraptured and charmed by the Beauties of My Humanity, has poured Itself out again; and opening the Heavens, It has made the rain of Light of the many Knowledges about My Fiat rain down in torrents, so that, like rain, It may descend upon souls, and with Its Light It may vivify and heal the human will, and transforming it, It may cast the root of My Will into the hearts, and may lay Its Kingdom upon earth. In order for My Kingdom to come upon earth, first I had to make It known, I had to make known that It wants to come to reign. And I, as an elder brother of the human family, in order to give to it a purchase so great, am making all the arrangements in Heaven before the Divinity. Therefore, it was necessary that I ascend into Heaven with My Humanity glorified, in order to be able to purchase again the Kingdom of My Fiat for My brothers and children of Mine.”