I am always returning into the Supreme Fiat, and feeling in myself the sweet Enchantment of Its Light, of Its Peace, of Its Happiness, O! how I would want that the whole entire world would know a such a Good, so that everyone would pray that Its Kingdom would come on earth.
But while I said this, I thought to myself: “If Living in the Divine Volition is a Gift that He must make to the human generations, and Jesus so much Loves, wants, yearns, that this Divine Will is known in order to let It Reign, then why is He not in a hurry to give this Gift?”
And my highest Good Jesus, visiting my little soul, all Goodness, said to me: “My daughter, you must know that although I Burn with the Desire of seeing My Divine Will Reign, yet I can not give this Gift before I have Manifested the Truths. Knowing them, the creatures will have the Great Good of forming the Sight in order to be capable of comprehending It, and therefore dispose themselves in order to receive a Gift so Great. One can say that right now they lack the eye in order to see and the capacity in order to comprehend It. And therefore, first I have manifested so many Truths about My Divine Will. And as the creatures will know these Truths of Mine, so they will form the sphere for where to place the pupil inside, and animate it with sufficient Light in order to be able to look at and comprehend the Gift, that more than sun will be given and entrusted to them.
“If I would want to give It today, I would act as if I wanted to give a sun to a blind person. Poor little one, with the whole sun given, he would always be blind, nor would his lot change, nor would he receive any good, rather, he would have a sorrow to have a sun as gift and neither see it, nor receive its beneficial effects. On the other hand, one who was not blind, how many goods would he not receive having a sun as gift at his disposition? It would be his perennial feast, and would place him in the condition of giving light to others, and he would be surrounded and loved by everyone in order to obtain the good of the light that he possesses.
“So, giving the great Gift of My Divine Will—which more than sun will change the lot of the human generations—today, would be to give It to the blind. And giving It to the blind would be giving them useless gifts, and I do not know how to give useless things. Therefore, I await with Divine and delirious Patience that My Truths will make their way, prepare souls, enter into them and form the eye animated with sufficient Light such that they can not only look at the Gift of My Fiat, but have the capacity in order to enclose It in themselves so that It forms Its Kingdom and extends Its Dominion in them. …”