Divine Will for every day of the year - May 16, 1929 Volume 26

[Jesus speaking]

“…Now, you must know that the weapons of this army are the acts done in My Divine Will. Look how beautiful it is! The My Love is the light of My Fiat! The King that dominates is My Will! The Ministry, the Sacrosanct Trinity; the army, the knowledges about It; the weapons, your acts done in It. In fact, as you would have the good of knowing one of the knowledges about It, and would operate by virtue of It, you would form, in My Fiat, the weapons in the hands of each knowledge, so as to give the life of it to other creatures.

“But this is not all yet. Each knowledge possesses a different weapon, one different from the other. So, each knowledge I have given you about My Divine Will possesses a special and distinct weapon: one possesses the weapon of Light in order to illuminate, warm and fecundate the seed of My Fiat; another possesses the weapon of the conquering Power that dominates and rules; another, the weapon of the Beauty that enraptures and conquers; another, the weapon of the Wisdom that orders and disposes; another, the weapon of the Love that burns, transforms and consumes; another, the weapon of the Strength that knocks down, makes one die and rise again in My Divine Volition.

“In sum, each knowledge of Mine is a Divine Soldier that, manifesting itself to your soul, has let the weapon of each of the offices they possess be placed by you into its hands. Look at what order they have, how attentive they are to their office, and to handling the weapon that each of them possesses in order to dispose and form the people of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat. This army and these weapons possess the prodigious virtue of the infinite, that is such that they diffuse everywhere; and wherever there is a light, even little, in the creatures, they fight with weapons of light against the darkness of the human will, to eclipse it and give it the Life of My Fiat; and wherever there is a seed of power or of strength, there runs the Divine little Soldier with its weapon of Power and of Strength, to fight the human power and strength, and make the Power and Strength of My Divine Will rise again. For all human acts this army has the opposite weapon with which to fight them, so as to make the act of My Divine Will rise again over the human act.

“Therefore, My daughter, it is necessary that you remain in My Divine Will in order to form sufficient weapons with your acts done in It, for the great army of Its Knowledges. If you knew how this army anxiously awaits the weapons of your acts into their hands, in order to wage war on and destroy the poor kingdom of the human will, and to build Our Kingdom of Light, of Sanctity and of Happiness! More so, since I am within you, in the great My Love of My Divine Will, in the midst of My Army, with the continuous council of the Ministry of the Divine Persons, as the reproducer of Our Works; because We are the Operating Being, and wherever We are present We want to operate always, without ever ceasing. Therefore, it is a necessity that you remain always in Our Fiat, to unite yourself to Us in Our continuous Operating, and to give Us the field to always operate within you. In fact, the sign of the Divine Operating is precisely this: to operate always—always, without ever ceasing.”