[Jesus speaking]
You must know the cause, the reason why the Divine Wisdom and Omnipotence wanted to pronounce the "FIAT" in Creation. It could have created all things without saying a word, but since It wanted His Will to breathe over all things, and these things to receive the virtue and the goods It contains, It pronounced the "FIAT". And as It pronounced it, It communicated the prodigies of Its Will, so that all things might have My Will as life, rule, example and teacher. My daughter, since the first word of your God which resounded in the vault of the Heavens was "FIAT" — nor did He say anything else — this meant that everything was in the FIAT. With the FIAT He created everything, constituted everything, ordered everything, enclosed everything, bound all His goods for the good of all those who would not go out of His eternal FIAT. And when, after creating everything, I wanted to create man, I did nothing but repeat the FIAT, as though kneading him with My own Will; and then I added: “Let Us make man in Our Image and Likeness. By virtue of Our Will, he will maintain Our Likeness whole within himself, and will preserve Our Image beautiful and intact."
See then, how the uncreated wisdom wanted to pronounce it — as if It were unable to say anything else but "FIAT" — so much was this lesson, so sublime, necessary for all. And this Fiat is still in the air, upon the whole Creation, as preserver of My own works, and as though in act of descending upon earth to invest man and to enclose him once again within Itself; so that he may return there where he came from – that is, having come from My Will, he may return to My Will. In fact, it is My Will that all things created by Me return to the same path from which they came, so that they may come back to Me, beautiful, decorous and as though carried triumphantly by My own Will.
So, of all I have told you about My Will, this has been My purpose: that My Will be known and come to reign upon earth. And what I have said will be. I will overwhelm everything in order to obtain this, but everything must return to Me within that word – "FIAT". God said "FIAT," and "FIAT" must man say. In all his things he will have nothing but the echo of My FIAT, the mark of My FIAT, the works of My FIAT, in order to give the goods which My Will contains. In this way, I will obtain the complete fulfillment of all Creation.
This is why I began the work of making known the effects, the value, the goods, the sublime things which My Will contains, and how the soul, following the same road as My FIAT, will remain so sublimated, divinized, sanctified, enriched, as to astonish Heaven and earth at the sight of the portent of My FIAT operating in the creature; because by virtue of My Will, I will unleash new graces, never given before, more refulgent light, and unheard-of portents, never seen before.
I act like a Teacher when he teaches the sciences he knows to his disciple. If he teaches to his disciple, it is because he wants to make of him another teacher like himself. So I do. If My sublime lesson was My first word, "FIAT", the prayer I taught was the FIAT "on earth as it is in Heaven." Now, the fact that I moved on to give you more diffuse, more clear, more sublime lessons about My Will, is because I want the disciple not only to acquire Its science, but becoming a master, to teach it to others; and not only this, but to acquire all My properties and My goods, My joys and My own happiness. Therefore, be attentive and faithful to My teachings, and never move from My Will."