Divine Will for every day of the year - May 30, 1905 Volume 6

Continuing in my usual state, I was saying: “Lord, what do You want from me? Manifest Your Holy Will to me.” And He: “My daughter, I want you all in Me, so that I may find everything in you. Just as all creatures had life in My Humanity and I satisfied for all, in the same way, by being all in Me, you will make Me find all creatures in you; that is to say, united with Me, you will make Me find reparation for all, satisfaction, thanksgiving, praise and everything that the creatures are obliged to give Me, within yourself. In addition to Divine Life and human life, love administered a third Life to Me, which made all the lives of creatures germinate within My Humanity. This is the Life of Love which, while giving Me Life, gave Me continuous death; it beat Me and fortified Me, it humiliated Me and raised Me, it embittered Me and sweetened Me, it tormented Me and gave Me delights. What does this Life of Love not contain – untiring and ever ready for everything? Everything, everything can be found in it; its Life is ever New and Eternal. Oh, how I wish to find this Life of Love in you, so as to have you always in Me, and to find everything in you.”