… Then, I continued my acts in the Divine Volition, and my littleness wanted to embrace everything in my embrace of love, to be able to make my little love run in all things and everywhere. But while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, to love means to possess, and wanting to make the beloved person or object one’s own. To love means bond, whether of friendship or of kinship or of relationship, according to the greater or lesser intensity of the love. So, if between the creature and God there is no void of Divine Love, if all his acts run toward God to love Him, if they have their origin in Love and in Love they end, if he looks at all things that belong to the Supreme Being as his own—this says love of son toward his Father, because in this way one does not go out, either of the Divine Properties or of the House of the Celestial Father.
“In fact, true love constitutes a right in the creature—right of relationship, right of participation in the Goods, right to be Loved. Each of his acts of love is a vibrating note that palpitates in the Divine Heart; and with its sound it says: ‘I love You—Love me.’ And the sound does not cease if he does not hear the note of his Creator that, echoing the sound of the soul, answers to him: ‘I Love you, O son.’ O! how We await the ‘I love You’ of the creature, to let him take his place in Our Love, to have the sweet pleasure of being able to say to him: ‘I Love you, O son,’ and so be able to give him a greater right to love Us and to belong to Our Family.
“A broken love, and one that does not make Our Things its own, nor does it defend them, cannot be called love of son; at most, it can be love of friendship, love of circumstance, love of interest, love of necessity, that does not constitute a right, because only sons have the right to possess the Goods of the Father, and the father has the sacrosanct duty, even by Divine and human laws, to make his children possess his goods. Therefore, love always, so that you may find, in all your acts, the Love, the Encounter, the Kiss of your Creator.”