Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking: "How can it be? I am so bad; I am good at nothing. With the privations of myJesus I have reduced myself to such a state as to make even stones cry – if this could be seen. But in spite of this, no doubts, no fears,either of Judgment or of hell... What a horrifying state is mine!’
While I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior and told me: "My daughter, as soon as the soul enters My Volition and decides to live in It, all doubts and fears depart from her. It happens as to a daughter of a king, who, no matter how much people say that she is not the daughter of her father, pays no attention. On the contrary, she keeps on going, proud, saying to everyone: ‘It is useless for you to say the contrary, or to put doubts and fears in me. I am the true daughter of the king - he is my father. I live with him; even more, his very Kingdom is mine...’
“Therefore, among the many goods which living in My Will brings, It also brings the state of security. And since she makes all that is Mine her own, how can she fear about her possessions? Therefore, fear, doubt, hell, lose their way and cannot find the door, the way, the key to enter the soul. Even more, as soon as the soul enters the Divine Volition, she strips herself of herself, and I clothe her of Me, with royal garments; and these garments place on her the seal that she is my daughter. My Kingdom is hers, as much as It is Mine; and defending our rights, she takes part in judging and condemning others. Therefore, how can you want to go fishing for fears?"