I continue in my usual state, and pausing in the act when the Sovereign Queen gave birth to little Baby Jesus, and clasping Him to Her breast, kissed Him and kissed Him again, and delighting in Him, gave Him Her most sweet milk—oh! how I too yearned to give Him my affectionate kisses and my tender embraces to my little Child Jesus.
And He, making Himself seen in act of receiving them, told me: “Daughter of My Volition, all the value of the acts of My Celestial Mama was because they came out of the immense womb of My Divine Will, whose Kingdom, whose life, She possessed. There was not one motion, act, breath and heartbeat that was not full of Supreme Volition, up to overflowing outside. Her loving kisses that She gave Me, came out of the fount of It; Her chaste embraces with which She embraced My infantile Humanity contained the Immensity. In Her most pure milk with which She nourished Me, as I suckled from Her virginal breast, I suckled from the immense breast of My Fiat; and in that milk I suckled Its Infinite Joys, Its Ineffable Sweetnesses, the food, the substance, the infantile growth of My Humanity, from the Immense Abyss of My Divine Will.
“So, in Her kisses I felt the Eternal Kiss of My Will that, when It does an act, never ceases doing it; in Her embraces I felt a Divine Immensity embracing Me; and in Her milk I nourished Myself Divinely and humanly, and She gave Me back My Celestial Joys and the contentments of My Divine Will that kept Her all filled. If the Sovereign Queen had not had a Divine Will in Her power, I would not have contented Myself with Her kisses, with Her love, with Her embraces and with Her milk. At the most, My Humanity would have been content, but My Divinity—I, Word of the Father, who had the Infinite, the Immense, in My power—wanted Infinite Kisses, Immense Embraces, milk full of Divine Joys and Sweetnesses. And only in this way was I satisfied, as My Mama, possessing My Divine Will, could give Me kisses, embraces, love and all Her acts that gave of the infinite.
“Now, you must know that all the acts that are done in My Divine Will are inseparable from It; it can be said that they form one single thing, act and will; the will can be called light, the act heat, that are inseparable from each other. So, all those who will possess My Fiat as life will have in their power all the acts of the Celestial Mama; and She had in Her power all of their acts, in such a way that in Her kisses and embraces I felt Myself kissed and embraced by all those who were to live in My Will, and in them I feel Myself being kissed again and embraced by My Mama. Everything is in common and in perfect accord in My Will; each human act descends from Its Womb, and with Its Power, It makes it rise back into the center from which it came out. Therefore, be attentive and let nothing escape you that does not enter into My Divine Will, if you want to give Me everything and receive everything.” …