Divine Will for every day of the year - October 26, 1931 Volume 29

… Oh! Divine Will, how admirable, powerful and lovable You are—and highly jealous wherever You reign. O please! Always put to flight for me my miseries, the weaknesses, the clouds of my will, so that my day may be always perennial, and the heaven of my little soul may be always serene.

But while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, good is light, and if this good is done in My Divine Will, as many rays are formed for as many good acts as are done; and My Fiat fixes these rays of light in the circumference of Its Eternal Light. So, these acts take their place within Our Acts, and do double office: of praise, of adorations, of perennial love, toward Our adorable Majesty; and of defense, of mercy, of help, of light, toward the mankind, according to the circumstances in which It finds itself. On the other hand, if the good acts are not done in My Will and with Its Power, though they are light, they do not have the strength to extend in order to fix themselves in the circumference of Our Light, and they remain without supports and like broken rays, and therefore they do not have perennial life; and since the fount of the Light is missing, there is the danger that, little by little, they may be extinguished.” …