Divine Will for every day of the year - October 27, 1935 Volume 33

I feel in me the Power of the Supreme Volition, but so much, that It wants that I undergo in my little acts the Power of Its Divine Act. But while It wants it, It wants to be called by the creature. It does not want to be an intruder, nor to enter by force, but It wants that she know It. And the human volition, giving the kiss to the Divine Volition, cedes the place to Its Operation, and she places herself in cortege to the Divine Act, feeling herself honored that a Divine Volition has Operated in her act.

My mind lost itself, and O! how many things it understood, but incapable of being able to repeat them with words. And my beloved Jesus, all Goodness, told me: “My blessed daughter, you have not yet understood what My Will Operating in the human act of the creature means. It descends into the human act with Its Creative Power, with Its Majesty, with Its Light, and with Its Luxury of Innumerable Graces. And pouring Itself out again into the human act, It makes use of Its Power and It Creates Its Act in it, and the human act remains as material that It has made use of in order to Create Its Act. And to Create means that It Creates as many Acts for however many Acts It wants to Create, and sometimes It Creates as many for however many creatures are disposed who can receive Its Act in which are contained Unheard-of Prodigies of Grace, of Light, of Love. It contains the Palpitating and Creating Life of a Divine Volition.

“This is the reason why, having to do an Act so Great, It does not want to do it if the creature does not know it and she herself does not yearn and want it. She calls It to undergo in her act Its Creative Will of a Volition so Holy and Powerful. What difference, My daughter, between one who operates good, prays, because she feels the duty of doing it, or that necessity imposes itself, or else she suffers because she cannot free herself. For however good, they are always human acts without the virtue of multiplying themselves however much they want; they do not possess the Fullness of Goods, nor of Sanctity, nor of Love, and at times they are mixed with the most vile passions, because the Creative Strength of the One who Creates Good, and knows how to and can undo Itself from everything that does not pertain to Its Sanctity, is lacking. In fact, the soul who lets My Divine Will Operate in her act, gives the field to the Continuous Creation, and O! how It feels Glorified, Loved, because It can Create what It wants in her act. It feels the Sovereignty, Its Dominion, the Royalty recognized, Loved and respected. Therefore, the Heavens are shaken and everyone is attentive and in the act of profound adoration when they see My Divine Will Creating in the act of the creature.

“O! if creatures would know what it means to Live in My Divine Volition, they would compete to Live in It, and It would be populated with children of My Will. And since in Mine the human will feels incapable of operating, it would do nothing other than undergo the continuity of Acts of Divine Volition. And it is the continuation of Acts of a Good that forms the Order, the Harmony, the Diversity of the Beauties that forms the enchantment and the formation of the Life and of the Good that one wants to acquire. Is not Our own Life perhaps continuous repetition? We always Love, We repeat the Conservation of the universe, and with this We maintain the Order, the Harmony, the life of the universe. O! if We did not always repeat, even for an instant, one would see chaos in all things. Therefore always in My Will repeat your continuous little refrains, always undergoing My Will in your acts, such that It would repeat in you Its Creating Act, so It will be able to form not only the act, but the Fullness of Its Life.”

After this, I thought about everything that regards the Divine Will, and I said to myself: “Is it possible that the creature can arrive at so much?”

And my sweet Jesus, repeating His say, told me: “My daughter, you must know that no sooner does the creature truly decide to want to Live in My Divine Will, and at whatever cost to never do her own, than My Fiat, with an Indescribable Love, forms the seed of Its Life in the depth of the soul. This has such Power, such Sanctity, that It does not grow if It does not first place the soul in order, freeing her from her weaknesses, miseries and stains if there are any. One can say that It forms purgatory in advance, purging her from everything that could impede that a Life of Divine Will would form in her, because My Will and sins cannot exist, nor be together. At the most some apparent weakness could be possible, that with Its Light and Heat becomes immediately Purified. It always has the Purificative Act in Its Hands, such that there cannot be one hindrance in the soul that could impede It not only of growing, but of developing Its Acts in the acts of the creature.

“Therefore, the first thing that My Will does is to remove purgatory beforehand, making it done in advance in order to be freer to make her Live in My Will, and to form Its Life as pleases It more. So if the creature were to die after one decided and wanted act of Living in My Volition, she will take flight toward Heaven. Rather My Will Itself will carry her in Its Arms of Light as Triumph, as Its Birth, and as Its dear child. And if this could not be, one could not be able to say: ‘Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.’ It would be a way of speaking, not a reality. Because It Reigns in Heaven, there are neither sins nor fear of purgatory. It knows how to get rid of everything, because It wants to be alone in Its place, Ruling and Dominating.”