Divine Will for every day of the year - October 9, 1922 Volume 14

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came all tenderness, clasped me in His arms, kissed me, and said to me, who knows how many times: "My daughter, the daughter of My Will, how dear you are to Me… Listen: as your will enters into Mine, it empties itself of you, and Mine enters, acting in you; and as Mine acts, yours receives the strength of the Creative Power andremains acting in Me. And since I am one single point, containing everything, embracing everything, doing everything, I see your will acting in Me with My own Creative Power, wanting to give Me everything and repay Me for all. And to my highest contentment I see it before Me from the very first instant in which I delivered the whole Creation. Leaving all behind, it comes forward, as if you were the first one to be created by Me, in whom no splitting of wills exists between Me and you - just as I would have wanted the first man to be - and it gives Me honor, glory, love, as if Creation had not gone out of My Will. What taste, what contentment I feel! You cannot understand it. The order of Creation is given back to Me; the harmonies, the joys, alternate together. I see this human will acting in Me in the light of the Sun, upon the waves of the sea, in the flickering of the stars — in everything; and it gives Me the glory of all the goods which these created things give to man. What happiness! It resembles Me in everything, with this difference: I am one single point; and you, little by little, as you keep operating, thinking, speaking, loving in My Will, take more space and form Divine births."