I was following all that the Divine Will had done in Creation and Redemption; I would have wanted to leave not one of Its Acts without my little act, as Its company and perennial homage of glory and of love for a Will so holy.
And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, how content I am that you do not leave My Divine Will isolated in Its so many Works, done not for Itself, as It had no need of it, but only out of Love for the creature. You must know that as you move from one of Our Works to another in order to recognize Our Love in them, to give Us love and glory, We find the requital to Our Love in the one who recognizes Our Works.
“How bitter and sorrowful it is to do good out of Pure Love, and not to be recognized; and when We find one who recognizes Our Works, We feel as though repaid for what We have done, because We gave Love, and love We receive; and to one who lives and operates in Our Divine Will We give freedom to establish many bonds between Heaven and earth, to open many doors of communication, to place many chains so as to make her acts ascend into Heaven, and make many graces descend for the good of all creatures. In fact, these works of Ours—that of Creation and that of Redemption—have been done on the face of the earth, and have the virtue of opening Heaven; and in order to have It opened through them, We make use of one who operates in Our Divine Will.”
And while He was saying this, He showed me many open doors in Heaven, through which many gold chains descended, that bound the earth for as many works as my sweet Jesus had done. …