… After this, I continued to cross the endless Sea of the Divine Fiat, and as I emitted my little acts in the Eternal Volition, many germs formed in my soul; and the seed of these germs was of Light of Divine Will—varied with many colors, but all animated with Light. And my sweet Jesus, making Himself seen, was breathing on those germs, one by one; and as He breathed on them, those germs would grow so much as to touch the Divine Immensity. I remained surprised in seeing the goodness of my Highest Good, Jesus, taking those germs in His Most holy Hands, with so much Love, in order to breathe on them, and then placing them all in order in my soul.
And looking at me with love, He told me: “My daughter, wherever there is the Creative Force of My Divine Will, My Divine Breath has the Power to render the acts of the creature immense. In fact, as the creature operates in My Fiat, the Creative Force enters her act, placing in it the fount of the Divine Immensity; and the little act of the creature converts, one into fount of light, another into fount of love, others into founts of goodness, of beauty, of sanctity. In sum, the more acts she does, the more Divine founts she acquires; and they grow so much, as to spread within the Immensity of her Creator.
“It happens as to the yeast, that has the virtue of fermenting the flour, as long as, in forming the bread, one puts in it the little yeast as the germ of fermentation. But if one does not put the yeast, even though the flour is the same, the bread will never come out leavened, but unleavened. Such is My Divine Will—more than yeast that casts the Divine Fermentation into the human act; and the human act becomes Divine Act. And when I find the germ of My Divine Will in the act of the creature, I delight in breathing on her act, and I raise it so much as to render it immense; more so, since We can call that act ‘Our Act’—‘Our Will operating in the creature.’”