Divine Will for every day of the year - September 24, 1928 Volume 24

I was thinking to myself: “Jesus desires so much to give us the great Gift of the Kingdom of His Fiat; He yearns to—He wants to. Now, why does He want us to pray in order to give It to us?”

And my always lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, indeed it is My Will to give the Kingdom of My Divine Volition, nor can I help wanting and yearning to give the great Gift of It. If it were not so—if I did not yearn for the return of man into the Royal Palace of My Divine Will—I would go against the order of Our Creative Work that, with Highest Wisdom, created man so that he might live of Our own, and dwell in the Kingdom of Our Fiat, given to him by Us as his inheritance.

“By going out of It, man formed disorder in Our Creative Work; and how can We tolerate letting Our most beautiful Work remain disordered? Centuries upon centuries have passed, and more centuries may pass, but We will not change; this will always be Our most important point—Our only Purpose and special Interest: that Our Creative Work be restored and reordered as it came out of Our Creative Hands, and that it live in the Kingdom of Our Divine Will.

“We, Our Adorable Majesty, find Ourselves in the condition of a father whose son was once happy, of a rare beauty that brought him joy and happiness, and lived as the owner of the inheritance given to him by his father. This son, voluntarily, left the paternal inheritance, he rendered himself unhappy, and broke the beautiful and pure joys between father and son. Now, what would the sorrow of the father not be, and his sighs, his tears and his unshakeable will for his dear son to return to be happy? More so, since the inheritance given to the son exists—the father himself keeps it in custody, and he longs for his son to take possession of it once again.

“But in the midst of so much sorrow, tears and sighs of this father, his will is resolute: he wants his unhappy son to desire—to pray that his paternal inheritance, his lost happiness, be returned to him. This disposes the son to receive and to appreciate his happy state, the return of his inheritance; and the father, drowned with love for his dear son, will say: ‘Your praying has formed a right over my heart that burns for you. Take again what you lost—you have deserved it. I am content as long as I see you happy, and I can say: ‘My son is no longer unhappy, but happy.’

“Now, We are more than a father—even more, his love is a shadow compared to Ours, and Our Divine Will in unshakeable—no one will be able to change It: the unhappiness of man is a disorder for the work of Creation, and We want Our Rights in Our Work; just as it came out of Us, so do We want it to return to Us. Our Love drowns Us, Our Justice demands it, Our Goodness claims it, Our very Happiness longs for it and does not tolerate unhappiness in Our Work. Our Divine Will, surrounding Us like a crown, renders Us immutable and wants Its Kingdom to be possessed.

“But in spite of this, We want the creature to pray—to yearn for the Good We want to give. This forms a right over Our Paternal Heart, and a shelf within his heart to be able to receive what We want to give, so that We may be able to say to him in Our emphasis of love: ‘My son, you have deserved it, and We have given you what We wanted to give you.’ One who prays disposes himself; what is obtained by praying is appreciated, is kept safe.

“And since the knowledge of My Divine Will, the possession of Its Kingdom, is not an individual good, but a general one, in order to obtain it, I have you pray for all, in the name of all and of each thought, word and act of creature, so that you may form the right in Our Divine Paternity that all may receive the Kingdom of Our Fiat, as well as the dispositions within themselves to be able to possess It. So the Queen of Heaven did, to impetrate the Kingdom of Redemption. She had a prayer, a sigh, an act, for all and for each one—She let no one escape Her; and by this, She gave to each one the right to be able to receive their Redeemer. So I did to redeem them, and so I want you to do for the Kingdom of My Divine Will.” …